Lipscomb Compute Cluster GPU (LCC-GPU)

Equipment/facility: Facility

    Equipments Details


    The LCC GPU cluster is a traditional batch-processing cluster with high-speed interconnects and a shared filesystem. The LCC GPU cluster contains 1056 intel-based Skylake and Cascade processor cores. The LCC GPU cluster includes about 30 compute nodes with a memory of 192GB per node and a GPFS parallel filesystem attached to the cluster containing 2 PB of usable disk storage for home, project, and scratch directories. The LCC GPU cluster has 128 high-performance Nvidia graphics processing units (GPU accelerators) with a combined peak performance of 800 teraflops through traditional batch processing clusters. In addition, the facility has a dedicated high-speed 40Gb data transfer node for researchers needing to transfer data to and from external resources and offsite.

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    • Q Science (General)
    • Research Computing
    • High performance computing
    • Computational science
    • Data Science
    • Data Analytics
    • Big data
     2023 CCS


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