Projects and Grants per year
Search results
The Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging with Knee OA
Fry, C. (PI)
University of California Davis
12/1/24 → 5/31/25
Project: Research project
Administration of Programs FY 24-25 - The Graham
Keener, M. (PI)
10/15/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
Mechanistic Assessment of NMES to Rescue Localized Neuromuscular Disruption after ACL Injury
Fry, C. (PI), McCarthy, J. (CoI), Noehren, B. (CoI), Owen, A. (CoI) & Thompson, K. (CoI)
National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal & Skin
8/30/24 → 7/31/29
Project: Research project
Development of a MPFL Reconstruction Return to Play Decision-Making Tool
Stone, A. (PI), Conley, C. (CoI) & Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI)
8/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: Research project
Leveraging Senotherapeutic Properties of Metformin to Improve Collagen Remodeling during Muscle Regrowth in Older Adults
6/1/24 → 5/31/29
Project: Research project
I-Corps: Translation Potential of an Objective and Customizable Concussion Assessment and Rehabilitation Tool for Specialized Populations
Tumlin, K. (PI) & Keener, M. (CoI)
2/15/24 → 7/31/25
Project: Research project
Revealing the Progression of Pain Pathways and Identifying Chronification Of Pain Predictors After an Isolated Lateral Ankle Sprain: Project RECOIL
Kosik, K. (PI), Hoch, M. (CoI) & Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI)
Army Medical Research and Development Command
9/30/23 → 9/29/27
Project: Research project
Performance and Job Task Demands of Special Tactics Support Airmen
Heebner, N. (PI), Conley, C. (CoI), Djafar, T. (CoI), Gribble, P. (CoI), Hoch, M. (CoI), Kosik, K. (CoI), Lephart, S. (CoI), Ross, J. (CoI), Thomas, D. (CoI), Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI), Winters, J. (CoI) & Chen, J. (Former CoI)
9/29/23 → 9/28/28
Project: Research project
Performance and Job Task Demands of Special Tactics Support Airmen - Add Work
Heebner, N. (PI), Bergin, R. (CoI), Conley, C. (CoI), Djafar, T. (CoI), Gribble, P. (CoI), Hoch, M. (CoI), Kosik, K. (CoI), Lephart, S. (CoI), Porter, K. (CoI), Ross, J. (CoI), Thomas, D. (CoI), Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI) & Winters, J. (CoI)
9/29/23 → 9/28/28
Project: Research project
Alcohol and Dysfunctional Skeletal Muscle Mass: Implications in Aging
Fry, C. (PI)
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center- New Orleans
9/20/23 → 8/31/25
Project: Research project
Development of a Novel Animal Model for Spinal Cord Injury with Sepsis
Patel, S. (PI), Butterfield, T. (CoI), Saito, H. (CoPI) & Stromberg, A. (Former CoI)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
4/15/23 → 3/31/25
Project: Research project
Rejuvenation of Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in Patients with Kidney Disease (Y3 Amendment)
Fry, C. (PI)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1/1/23 → 12/31/25
Project: Research project
Improving Psychological and Vestibular Health Using a Novel Intervention: Making Informed Decisions in Gaze and Postural Stability (MINDGAPS) System
Winters, J. (PI)
9/30/22 → 9/29/26
Project: Research project
Safety, Health, and Injury Mitigation in Firefighter Training (SHIFT)
Gribble, P. (PI), Abel, M. (CoI), Hoch, J. (CoI), Rous, B. S. (CoI), Uhl, T. (CoI) & Heebner, N. (CoPI)
Federal Emergency Management Agency
9/22/22 → 9/21/25
Project: Research project
Visual-Motor Coordination Assessments for Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability: Decision Support Tools to Optimize Return to Duty
Hoch, M. (PI), Gribble, P. (CoI), Heebner, N. (CoI), Hoch, J. (CoI), Johnson, N. (CoI), Kosik, K. (CoI), Slone, S. (CoI) & Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI)
Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
9/1/22 → 8/31/26
Project: Research project
Quantifying the Mechanism and Impact of Hip Extensor Muscle Dysfunction During Aerobic Exercise in Hip Osteoarthritis
Samaan, M. (PI), Bush, H. (CoI), Duncan, S. (CoI), Fry, C. (CoI), Noehren, B. (CoI) & Jacobs, C. (Former CoI)
8/1/22 → 6/30/27
Project: Research project
Musculoskeletal Health Considerations to Improve Risiliency and Lethality in Female Marines
Hoch, M. (PI), Heebner, N. (CoI), Hoch, J. (CoI), Lephart, S. (CoI), Ross, J. (CoI), Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI), Winters, J. (CoI) & Royer, S. (Former CoI)
8/30/21 → 8/29/25
Project: Research project
Sex-based Muscular Adaptations, Capillary Dysfunction and Functional Decline Impact Knee-related Psychosocial Outcomes After Acute Knee Injury (SMACK)
Noehren, B. (PI), Biddle, M. (CoI), Conley, C. (CoI), Erickson, L. (CoI), Johnson, D. (CoI), Kern, P. (CoI), Owen, A. (CoI), Thompson, K. (CoI), Fry, C. (CoPI) & Jacobs, C. (Former CoI)
National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal & Skin
8/5/21 → 5/31/27
Project: Research project
Preserving Physical Function in Patients with Kidney Disease
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
8/1/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project
The Influence of Resilience and Grit on Post-Operative Outcomes After ACL Reconstruction
Hoch, J. (PI), Cormier, M. (CoI), Dlugonski, D. (CoI) & Hoch, M. (CoI)
Southeast Athletic Trainers Association
4/1/21 → 4/1/25
Project: Research project
Optimizing Clinical Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability Using Foot Intensive Rehabilitation (FIRE)
Hoch, M. (PI), Gribble, P. (CoI), Heebner, N. (CoI), Hoch, J. (CoI), Kosik, K. (CoI), Thompson, K. (CoI) & Torp-Kosik, D. (CoI)
Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
9/15/20 → 9/14/25
Project: Research project
Physical Rehabilitation Through Telehealth for an Ankle Sprain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kosik, K. (PI), Gribble, P. (CoI) & Lowman, J. (CoI)
NATA Research & Education Foundation
6/15/20 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project
Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Centers (T42): Central Appalachian Regional Education Research Center
Sanderson, W. (PI), Agioutantis, Z. (CoI), Butler, K. (CoI), Christian, J. (CoI), Heebner, N. (CoI), Hoch, J. (CoI), Hoover, A. (CoI), Montross, M. (CoI), Prince, T. (CoI), Sampson, S. (CoI), Spengler, S. (CoI), Stanifer, S. (CoI), Uhl, T. (CoI), Vincent, S. (CoI), Winter, K. (CoI), Browning, S. (CoPI), Gribble, P. (CoPI), Sottile, J. (CoPI), Hahn, E. (Former CoPI), Mazur, J. (Former CoPI), Bazrgari, B. (Former CoI), Bunn, T. (Former CoI), Novak, T. (Former CoI), Oldham, C. (Former CoI) & Spengler, S. (Former CoI)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
7/1/19 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project
Athletic Training - Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Centers (T42): Central Appalachian Regional Education Research Center
Gribble, P. (PI), Heebner, N. (CoI), Hoch, J. (CoI), Uhl, T. (CoI) & Bazrgari, B. (Former CoI)
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
7/1/19 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project
Myostatin Alters Muscle Composition as a Result of an ACL Injury
Fry, C. (PI), Conley, C. (CoI), Fry, J. (CoI), Noehren, B. (CoI), Thompson, K. (CoI), Dungan, C. (Former CoI) & Jacobs, C. (Former CoI)
National Institute Arthritis Musculoskeletal & Skin
7/1/19 → 2/28/25
Project: Research project
Addressing Neuromuscular Deficits for Improved Outcomes in Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation
Gribble, P. (PI), Heebner, N. (CoI), Johnson, N. (CoI), Kosik, K. (CoI), Powell, D. (CoI) & Abt, J. (Former CoI)
Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
3/15/18 → 3/14/25
Project: Research project