- 37 results
Search results
Douglas Appler, Ph.D.
- Historic Preservation - Associate Professor, Chair, Historic Preservation, Clay P. Lancaster Endowed Professor in Historic Preservation, Helen Edwards Abell Endowed Research Fund in Historic Preservation
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Emily Bergeron, JD
- Historic Preservation - Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Historic Preservation
- College of Design - Director of Graduate Certificate, Historic Preservation, Director of Graduate Studies, Heritage Resource Administration
- Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences (UK-CARES)
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Joseph Brewer, M.Arch
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Instructor
- College of Design - Design Technology & Facilities Director
Aanya Chugh, M.Arch
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Assistant Professor
- College of Design - Director of Belonging (DB)
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Lindsey Fay, M.S.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Interior Design
- College of Design - Associate Dean for Research, College of Design
- Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences (UK-CARES)
- Energy Research Priority Area
- Materials Science Research Priority Initiative
Anne Filson, M.S.
- School of Architecture - Professor, Associate Director of Architecture, Sue Fan Gooding Hobgood Visiting Design Critic Professorship
Jeffrey Fugate, MCP
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Certificate, Urban and Environmental Design, John Russell Groves-Kentucky Housing Corporation Research Fund in Affordable Housing Design
Johanna Heinrichs, Ph.D.
- School of Architecture - Assistant Professor
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Jeffrey Johnson, M.Arch
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Architecture, Director, Architecture, AIA Kentucky Endowed Professorship
Leen Katrib, M.Arch
- School of Architecture - Regular Faculty, Assistant Professor
- Materials Science Research Priority Initiative
Emilija Landsbergis, M.Arch
- School of Architecture - Assistant Professor
- Materials Science Research Priority Initiative
Patrick Lucas, Ph.D.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Professor, Universal Design Certificate Coordinator
- College of Design - Director of International Studies
Wallis Miller, Ph.D.
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Charles Parker Graves Endowed Professorship Fund
Jonathan Mills, M.S.
- Product Design - Associate Professor, Chair, Product Design
- Materials Science Research Priority Initiative
Sarah O'Brien, M.A.
- Product Design - Assistant Professor
- Materials Science Research Priority Initiative
Joseph Rey-Barreau, M.S.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Interior Design
Martin Summers, M.Arch
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Architecture
Elizabeth Swanson, M.S.
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor
- College of Design - Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Bruce Swetnam, BAARCH
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Kentuckiana Masonry Institute Endowed Professorship
Helen Turner, M.S.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Associate Professor, Director, Interiors: Planning/Strategy/Design
Daniel Vivian, Ph.D.
- Historic Preservation - Associate Professor
- African American and Africana Studies
- History - Joint Appointment
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Person: Academic