Projects and Grants per year
Search results
Director Skill and Hedging Decisions in the Insurance Industry- OVPR Curate Program
Hankins, K.
University of Kentucky’s Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
Segregation and Equity Market Participation- OVPR CURATE Program
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/23 → 4/30/24
Project: Research project
The Price of (Mis)Trust: Ponzi Schemes and Public Financing Costs- OVPR CURATE Program
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/23 → 4/30/24
Project: Research project
Mortgage Points and Adverse Selection in the TBA Market- OVPR CURATE Program
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/22 → 4/30/23
Project: Research project
The Meeting Before The Meeting: Governance Roadshows and Mutual Fund Voting- OVPR CURATE Meeting
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/22 → 4/30/23
Project: Research project
Slipping through the regulatory cracks: Banned brokers selling insurance- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/19 → 4/30/20
Project: Research project
It Pays to be Extraverted: Executive Personality and Career Outcomes- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/18 → 4/30/19
Project: Research project
Crowdsourced Investment Research, Investment Asymmetry, and Firm Value- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/18 → 4/30/19
Project: Research project
Price competition, reputation, and financial advisor misconduct- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/18 → 4/30/19
Project: Research project
Detriments of Index Voting- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Detriments of Index Voting- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Director Networks during World War II- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
BBA/MBA University Partnership between University of Kentucky and Nangarhar University
Montgomery, K., Dellachiesa, A., Hadden, M., Hoyt, G., Johnson, N., Kern, K., Kirn, J., Peloza, J., Siebenthaler, J. & Vines, C.
10/5/16 → 10/4/18
Project: Research project
Is Broker Misconduct Contagious? Learning to be Bad or Birds of a Feather
11/11/13 → 12/31/15
Project: Research project
High Risk Rapid Ethnographic Assessment Tool (HRREAT)
Charles River Analytics Incorporated
9/27/11 → 4/24/12
Project: Research project
Systems Thinking for Sustainability
Sekulic, D., Badurdeen, F., Luhan, G., Schroeder, M. & Vincent, L.
8/1/11 → 7/31/15
Project: Research project
The Cognitive and RElational Drivers of Organizational Action and Innovation: A Study of Economic Development Organizations in a Persistently Distressed Region
Ferrier, W., Borgatti, S., Cook-Craig, P., Jensen, J. M., Nah, S. & Knight, E.
6/15/11 → 5/31/13
Project: Research project
Best Places to Work: How "Making the List" Impacts the Strength and Sustainability of Subsequent Recruitment and Turnover Outcomes
Dineen, B.
3/22/11 → 5/31/13
Project: Research project
Detection, Explanation and Prediction of Emerging Network Developments (DEPEND)
Charles River Analytics Incorporated
9/7/10 → 11/26/12
Project: Research project
Resume Fraud: Investigations of the Antecedents and Consequences of Fabrication, Embellishment, and Omission
Dineen, B.
8/11/09 → 2/28/12
Project: Research project
Business Plan Competition 2009-10
Holbein, G., Hapke, H. & Sudharshan, D.
6/8/09 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction Basic Research Program
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
11/5/07 → 12/14/10
Project: Research project
Facilitating Agility in Knowledge-Intensive Network Organizations
Holsapple, C., Goldsby, T. & Li, X.
10/18/07 → 12/31/08
Project: Research project
Promoting Aluminum Recycling
Troske, K., Hardesty, D. & Morgan, F.
7/1/06 → 8/31/09
Project: Research project
Tax and Fee Payment Systems: An Assessment of Transaction Effeciency
Hackbart, M. & Denison, D.
5/5/06 → 2/15/07
Project: Research project
Industry Comovement after Joining an Index: Spillovers of Nonfudamental Effects
Lee, D.
1/1/05 → 12/31/05
Project: Research project
KSEF R&D Excellence: Evaluating and Refining Web Interface Design Guidelines for Alzheimer's Patients
Holsapple, C. & Pakath, R.
6/1/04 → 5/31/07
Project: Research project
KSEF R&D Excellence: Assessing the Evolutionary Behavior of Alternate Learning Classifier System Architectures in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Environment
Pakath, R.
5/1/04 → 11/30/06
Project: Research project
KSEF Emerging Ideas: An Investigation to Enhance the Effectiveness of Information Technology Transfer Via E-Learning Training Methods
Santhanam, R.
1/1/04 → 12/31/04
Project: Research project
KSEF R & D Excellence: Issues Designing, Developing and Delivering Web Based Distance Learning Programs
KY Science and Technology Co Inc
7/1/03 → 6/30/04
Project: Research project
KSEF R&D Excellence:: Exploring the Knowledge Chain in E-Business and Knowledge Driven Enterprises
Holsapple, C.
7/1/02 → 6/30/05
Project: Research project
KSEF R&D Excellence:Theoretical Framework for Data Masking
Muralidhar, K.
7/1/02 → 6/30/03
Project: Research project