Projects and Grants per year
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Fletcher: Graduate Editorial Assistantship 2024-2025
Curwood, A. (PI)
7/1/24 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project
Phase 4: JHF University of Kentucky Holocaust Education Initiative
Fernheimer, J. (PI), Abney, J. (CoI) & Petrone, K. (CoI)
Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence
6/1/24 → 6/16/25
Project: Research project
Documenting Racial Violence in Kentucky Project: the DRVK Project- OVPR Curate Program
Brown, N. (PI)
University of Kentucky’s Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
Conference participation: "Jews in the Frankish Orbit"- OVPR Curate Program
Firey, A. (PI)
University of Kentucky’s Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
Research for Witchcraft and Contraband in the Early Modern Caribbean- OVPR Curate Program
Clark, J. (PI)
University of Kentucky’s Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
Remembering and Commemorating the Underground Railroad in Ohio- OVPR Curate Program
Vivian, D. (PI)
University of Kentucky’s Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
Moral and Social Hygiene Campaigns in colonial Africa- OVPR Curate Program
Williams, E. (PI)
University of Kentucky’s Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/24 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
CLIME: The Consortium for Language and International Majors' Experiences
Lyon, S. (PI), Campbell-Speltz, H. (CoI), Conatser, R. (CoI), Musoni, F. (CoI), Rouhier-Willoughby, J. (CoI), Bacchus, E. (Former PI), Alcalde, M. (Former CoI), Cliggett, L. (Former CoI) & Kern, K. (Former CoI)
10/1/20 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project