- 26 results
Search results
Rodney Andrews, Ph.D.
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Senior Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation
- Chemical and Materials Engineering - Professor
- Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) - Director, Center for Applied Energy Research
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Joint Appointment
- Energy Research Priority Area
- Materials Science Research Priority Initiative
Kim Blair
Marcus Borders
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - Sr Assoc Dir Inn Dev & Ind Partnership
D. Allan Butterfield, Ph.D.
- Toxicology and Cancer Biology - Professor
- Markey Cancer Center / Cancer Research Priority Initiative - Director, Redox Metabolism SRF, Member
- Molecular and Cellular Oncology Research Program - Member
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
- Sanders-Brown Center on Aging (SBCoA)
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Associate Vice President for Research, Centers and Institutes
Holly Clark
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - Commercialization Director Associate
David Devore
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Research Database Administrator Senior
Barbara Duncan, M.A.
- Office of Proposal Development (PDO) - Proposal Development Office Assoc Dir
- English - Instructor
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Kathleen Grzech
- Office of Proposal Development (PDO) - Proposal Development Office Exec Dir
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Laura Halligan
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - New Ventures Director Associate
- Management - Instructor
Kendra Hargis Stenzel
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - Innovation Talent Development Prog Dir
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Katherine Hartmann, MD
- Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) - Director, Kentucky Center for Clinical & Translational Science
- College of Medicine - Associate Dean, Research Development & Synergy
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Associate Vice President for Research, Clinical & Translational Science
- Substance Use Priority Research Area
Shana Herron
- Office of Proposal Development (PDO) - Proposal Development Office Asst Dir
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Philip Kern, MD
- Internal Medicine - Professor
- Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) - Associate Provost for Clinical Translational Science
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Associate Vice President for Research, Clinical and Translational Research
- Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences - Joint Appointment
- Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center
- Cardiovascular Research Priority Area
- Diabetes & Obesity Research Priority Area
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
- Substance Use Priority Research Area
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Ian McClure, JD
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - AVP Research Innov / VP Healthcare Innov
Ilhem Messaoudi Powers, Ph.D.
- Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics - Professor, Chair, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Vice President for Research
- Pediatrics - Joint Appointment
- Pharmacy Practice and Science - Joint Appointment
- Center for Computational Sciences - Member
- Markey Cancer Center / Cancer Research Priority Initiative - Member
- Molecular and Cellular Oncology Research Program - Member
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
- Substance Use Priority Research Area
Kimberly Sayre, MBA
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - UK Innovation Connect Manager
- Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering - Instructor
Nancy Schoenberg, Ph.D.
- Behavioral Science - Professor, Marion Pearsall Professorship
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Associate Vice President for Research, Research Professional Development
- Center for Health Equity Transformation - Director, Center for Health Equity Transformation
- Anthropology - Joint Appointment
- Epidemiology & Environmental Health - Joint Appointment
- Health, Behavior, and Society - Joint Appointment
- Internal Medicine - Joint Appointment
- Cancer Prevention and Control Research Program - Member
- Cardiovascular Research Priority Area
- Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences (UK-CARES)
- Diabetes & Obesity Research Priority Area
- Markey Cancer Center / Cancer Research Priority Initiative - Member
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Danelle Stevens-Watkins, Ph.D.
- Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology - Professor
- Office of the Vice President for Research - Associate Vice President for Research, Diversity & Inclusion
- College of Education - Dean, Education
- Substance Use Priority Research Area
- UNITE Research Priority Area - Director
Serenity Wright, Ph.D.
- Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) - Social Innovation Director Associate Sr
- College of Social Work - Instructor
- UNITE Research Priority Area