Projects and Grants per year
- 250 - 300 out of 340 results
Search results
Unfolding the Information of the Interstellar H$_2$ Spectrum: Its Impact on Spitzer IR Observation
Ferland, G. (PI)
1/5/06 → 6/30/08
Project: Research project
Optical Properties of Cosmic Dust Materials
Ferland, G. (PI)
12/9/05 → 6/30/08
Project: Research project
IRS Spectroscopy of Cluster Core Filaments Spitzer Cycle-2 Funding 20343
Ferland, G. (PI)
8/17/05 → 5/31/08
Project: Research project
High Resolution IRS Mapping of the Star Forming Region NGC 6334A
Ferland, G. (PI) & Abel, N. (CoI)
8/17/05 → 5/31/08
Project: Research project
Numerical Simulations of Time-Variable AGN Emission and Absorption Line Regions
Ferland, G. (PI) & Porter, R. (CoI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
8/1/05 → 7/31/07
Project: Research project
Dynamical Flows in PNe: Interpreting HST Images on a Physical Basis
Ferland, G. (PI) & Abel, N. (CoI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
8/1/05 → 7/31/07
Project: Research project
Physical Processes in Orion's Veil: A High Resolution UV Absorption Study of the Line of Sight Towards the Trapezium
Ferland, G. (PI) & Abel, N. (CoI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
7/1/05 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
Probing Quantum Phase Transitions by MuSR and Complementary Methods in Applied Pressure
Sushko, Y. (PI)
6/1/05 → 5/31/08
Project: Research project
Theory of Loosely Bound Composite Systems: Multiloop Corrections to Lamb Shift, Hyperfine Splitting, and g-Factors
Eides, M. (PI)
6/1/05 → 5/31/08
Project: Research project
Probing the X-Ray Emission-Line Regions in Seyfert Galaxies using XMM-Newton Spectra and Advanced Photoinonization Models: a Self-consistent Analysis
Ferland, G. (PI) & Porter, R. (CoI)
The Catholic University of America
5/25/05 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
Unraveling the Message of the Light - Spectral Diagnostics of AGN and Starbursts
Ferland, G. (PI)
3/15/05 → 3/14/08
Project: Research project
Understanding Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen: Unraveling the Message of its Spectrum
Ferland, G. (PI)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
2/15/05 → 2/14/08
Project: Research project
Physical Processes in Orion's Veil: A High Resolution UV Absorption Study of the Line of Sight Towards the Trapezium
Ferland, G. (PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
2/1/05 → 8/31/05
Project: Research project
A Web-based Analysis Tool for Active Galactic Nuclei
Elitzur, M. (PI)
1/15/05 → 1/14/08
Project: Research project
Assessing How Distance Learning for Teachers Can Enable Inquiry Science in Rural Classrooms
Osborn, J. (PI), Bradley, K. (CoI), Krall, R. (CoI), Rayens, W. (CoI) & Straley, J. (CoI)
1/1/05 → 9/30/10
Project: Research project
KY EPSCoR: Novel Electronic Oxides: Living on the Edge
Cao, G. (PI)
11/1/04 → 10/31/05
Project: Research project
A Precision Measurement of the Neutral Pion Lifetime
Dale, D. (PI)
9/1/04 → 11/28/04
Project: Research project
Numerical Simulations of OUtflows in Quasars: The Microphysics of BAL Winds
Ferland, G. (PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
9/1/04 → 8/31/06
Project: Research project
Diffuse Matter in the Galaxy - An International Conference
Troland, T. (PI)
8/15/04 → 1/31/06
Project: Research project
KY Space Grant Consortium Fellowship for Nicholas Abel: A New Appraoch in Determining Physical Conditions in Star Forming Regions
Ferland, G. (PI)
8/1/04 → 7/31/05
Project: Research project
KY Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Elizabth Mayo,Magnetic Fields in the Galaxy
Troland, T. (PI)
8/1/04 → 8/31/05
Project: Research project
Electro-Optic Studies of Charge Density Wave Conductors
Brill, J. (PI)
7/1/04 → 6/30/09
Project: Research project
Electro-Optic Studies of Charge Density Wave Conductors
Brill, J. (PI)
7/1/04 → 6/30/09
Project: Research project
Probing the High Redshift Universe with Quasar Emission Lines
Ferland, G. (PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
7/1/04 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
Planning a Remotely Operated Astronomical Observatory in Australia
Bhavsar, S. (PI)
5/1/04 → 8/30/05
Project: Research project
Data Analysis of IR Emission From Active Galactic Nuclei
Elitzur, M. (PI)
2/1/04 → 1/31/08
Project: Research project
Green Bank Telescope Student Support Program
Troland, T. (PI)
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
1/1/04 → 12/31/04
Project: Research project
Probing Obscured AGN with X-ray Iron Lines
Levenson, N. (PI)
12/29/03 → 6/28/06
Project: Research project
Measurements of Magnetic Field Strengths in the Galaxy
Troland, T. (PI)
11/1/03 → 10/31/08
Project: Research project
Numerical Simulations of Outflows in Quasars: The Microphysics of BAL Winds
Ferland, G. (PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
8/1/03 → 7/31/05
Project: Research project
Calculation of Fe II Atomic Data Required For the Modeling of HST Observations
Ferland, G. (PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
8/1/03 → 7/31/05
Project: Research project
CAREER: Obscuration of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Starburst Connection
Levenson, N. (PI)
7/15/03 → 6/30/09
Project: Research project
Numerical Simulations of Non-equilibrium Plasmas and Their Spectra - Applications to Active
Ferland, G. (PI)
7/15/03 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
KSEF R&D Excellence: Nano-engineering: Novel Transition Metal Oxides with Complementary Functionalities Through Epitaxially Controlled Pulsed Laser Deposition
Cao, G. (PI)
7/1/03 → 6/30/04
Project: Research project
Disordered, Interacting Electrons: Two Tractable Limits
Murthy, G. (PI)
7/1/03 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
Evaluation of Levitation Mixer in Disposable Bioreactor
Chappell, J. (PI) & Delong, L. (CoI)
7/1/03 → 12/31/03
Project: Research project
KSEF R&D Excellence: Stability, Dynamics and Switching of Magnetic Nanostructures
Delong, L. (PI) & Hinds, B. (CoI)
KY Science and Technology Co Inc
7/1/03 → 6/30/06
Project: Research project
Topics in Gravitational Physics, Quantum Fields, and String Theory
Shapere, A. (PI)
6/15/03 → 12/31/08
Project: Research project
Dust Evolution in the Early Universe and Galatic Systems: Observational Consequences and Cosmological Implications
Elitzur, M. (PI)
6/1/03 → 5/31/06
Project: Research project
Studies of Broken Symmetries and Fundamental Constants with Muons and Pions
Gorringe, T. (PI)
6/1/03 → 5/31/07
Project: Research project
US-India Cooperative Research: Modeling of Physical Conditions in High Z Protogalaxies
Ferland, G. (PI)
5/15/03 → 4/30/07
Project: Research project
Modeling of Physical Conditions in High Z Protogalaxies
Ferland, G. (PI)
5/15/03 → 4/30/07
Project: Research project
Carbon Isotopes in Planetary Nebulae and H II Regions
Ferland, G. (PI)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
3/15/03 → 3/14/04
Project: Research project
4d and 5d Transition Metal Oxides: A New Frontier of Materials with Exotic Phenomena
Cao, G. (PI)
3/1/03 → 2/28/06
Project: Research project
KSTC R&D Voucher: Drive Unit Improvement and Bioreactor Development
Delong, L. (PI) & Chappell, J. (CoI)
3/1/03 → 2/28/04
Project: Research project