Projects and Grants per year
- 300 - 340 out of 340 results
Search results
UV Sounding of the M-Giant Atmosphere in the Symbiotic Binary EG-AND
Ferland, G. (PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute
7/1/02 → 6/30/04
Project: Research project
KSGC: Development of Global Statistical Methods for Studying Large Scale Structure in the Universe
Bhavsar, S. (PI)
7/1/02 → 6/30/03
Project: Research project
Theory of Loosely Bound Composite Systems: High Order Corrections to Energy Shifts and g-Factors
Eides, M. (PI)
6/1/02 → 5/31/05
Project: Research project
High-precision Microwave Spectroscopy of Quantum Defects in Rydberg States of Au and Al Atoms
MacAdam, K. (PI)
6/1/02 → 5/31/04
Project: Research project
Using Chandra to Elucidate the Starburst-AGN Connection
Levenson, N. (PI)
5/15/02 → 9/30/03
Project: Research project
The Microphysics of Hydrodynamical Flows: Conditions in Starburst
Ferland, G. (PI)
4/15/02 → 4/14/05
Project: Research project
Keeping the Hands-on in Virtual Learning
Straley, J. (PI)
KY Council on Postsecondary Education
1/1/02 → 6/30/03
Project: Research project
Lattice Calculation of Hadron Physics
Liu, K. (PI) & Draper, T. (CoI)
1/1/02 → 12/31/05
Project: Research project
Joint Development of Melt-Textured Superconducting Material
Delong, L. (PI)
12/11/01 → 8/31/02
Project: Research project
HOV Hands-On / Virtual Workshops in Physics for Rural Teachers
Straley, J. (PI)
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Ed
10/1/01 → 9/30/05
Project: Research project
The Electro-Optic Effect in Charge-Density-Wave Conductors
Brill, J. (PI)
5/14/01 → 6/30/05
Project: Research project
Dust Evolution in the Early Universe and Galactic Systems
Elitzur, M. (PI)
3/15/01 → 3/14/03
Project: Research project
Characterization of Magnetic Single-Film and Multilayer Systems
Delong, L. (PI)
12/15/00 → 11/30/03
Project: Research project
Fundamental Problems in PLasma Astrophysics: The Thermal Equilibrium of NGC 7009
Ferland, G. (PI)
11/1/00 → 10/31/01
Project: Research project
Improvement of the Target for the Moller Polarimeter
Dale, D. (PI)
10/1/00 → 3/31/02
Project: Research project
Observations of Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Troland, T. (PI)
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
9/15/00 → 12/15/02
Project: Research project
TJNAF Bridge Position
Korsch, W. (PI)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
9/1/00 → 5/31/01
Project: Research project
CP Violation and Precision Test of Standard Model
Li, B. (PI)
8/15/00 → 8/14/05
Project: Research project
A GAANN Fellowship Program in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Troland, T. (PI)
8/15/00 → 8/14/04
Project: Research project
Development of a High Resolution Detection System for Precision Measurement of the Neural Pion Lifetime at JLab
Dale, D. (PI)
8/1/00 → 7/31/04
Project: Research project
Research in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory
Shapere, A. (PI)
8/1/00 → 7/31/04
Project: Research project
Theory of Loosley Bound Composite Systems: High Order Corrections to Lamb Shift and Hyperfine Splitting
Eides, M. (PI)
7/15/00 → 5/31/02
Project: Research project
Establishment of a 2-D/3-D Micro/Nano-Scale Device Fabrication Facility at the University of Kentucky
Singh, V. (PI), Bachas, L. (CoI), Brill, J. (CoI), Chen, Z. (CoI), MASON, A. (CoI), SINGH, S. (CoI), Stephens, L. (CoI) & VALLANCE, R. (CoI)
7/15/00 → 6/30/02
Project: Research project
Low Energy Studies of the Pion Nucleon System
Kovash, M. (PI)
7/1/00 → 6/30/05
Project: Research project
Low Energy Studies of the Pion Nucleon System
Kovash, M. (PI)
7/1/00 → 6/30/02
Project: Research project
DOE/EPSCoR: (Theoretical)
Shapere, A. (PI), Das, S. (CoI) & Gardner, S. (CoI)
7/1/00 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
New Approach to the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Murthy, G. (PI)
7/1/00 → 6/30/03
Project: Research project
KY Match DOE/EPSCoR Program
Dale, D. (PI) & Korsch, W. (CoI)
KY Council on Postsecondary Education
7/1/00 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
KY Match DOE/EPSCoR Program
Shapere, A. (PI) & Gardner, S. (CoI)
KY Council on Postsecondary Education
7/1/00 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
Establishment of a 2-D/3-D Micro/Nano-Scale Device Fabrication Facility at the University of Kentucky
GRIMES, C. (PI), Bachas, L. (CoI), Brill, J. (CoI), Chen, Z. (CoI), DICKEY, E. (CoI), MASON, A. (CoI), SINGH, S. (CoI), Stephens, L. (CoI) & VALLANCE, R. (CoI)
KY Council on Postsecondary Education
7/1/00 → 6/30/01
Project: Research project
Lattice QCD Study of Hadron Spectrum, Nucleon Structure, and Finite Density
Liu, K. (PI) & Draper, T. (CoI)
2/1/98 → 1/31/16
Project: Research project
Disorder and Topological Defects in Magnetically Frustrated Single Crystals and Thin-Film Metamaterials
Delong, L. (PI), Hastings, J. (CoI), Seo, A. (CoI), Bhat, V. (Former CoI) & Cao, G. (Former CoI)
9/1/97 → 5/14/16
Project: Research project
Fundamental Physics with Hadrons and Nuclei, from Quarks to the Cosmos
Gardner, S. (PI)
7/1/96 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
Fundamental Physics with Hadrons and Nuclei, from Quarks to the Cosmos
Gardner, S. (PI)
7/1/96 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project