Projects and Grants per year
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CAREER: Towards Sustainable Computing with Carbon-Efficient Integrated Electro-Photonic Fabrics
Thakkar, I. (PI)
7/1/25 → 6/30/30
Project: Research project
CAREER: The Interface is the Device: Elucidating the Role of the Contact/Organic Interface in Organic Electrochemical Transistors
Paterson, A. (PI)
5/1/25 → 4/30/30
Project: Research project
Promoting Sustainable Cotton Using Social Media Analytics Through Project-Based Learning
Li, M. (PI) & Cavender, R. (CoI)
1/1/25 → 12/31/25
Project: Research project
NSF-DFG CONFINE: In-Situ Analysis of Li Transport Through Solid State Interfacial Systems by Neutron Reflectometry Measurements
Yang, F. (PI)
1/1/25 → 12/31/26
Project: Research project
FY 25 Breast and Cervical Cancer Evidence Based Intervention C5624
McKune, B. (PI)
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
12/16/24 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project
An Open-Label Randomized, Multicenter, Phase IIIB Study To Assess the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerance of Beriplex P/N Compared with Plasma for the Rapid Reversal of Coagulopathy Induced by Coumadin Derivatives in Subjects Requiring Emergency Surgery or Invasive Intervention.
Saha, S. (PI)
Project: Research project
Exploring UI/UX in the context of Human-centered Design
Strakovsky, D. (PI)
Project: Research project
Discours scientifiques et contextes culturels
Samers, M. (PI), Chivallon, C. (PI) & Ragouet, P. (PI)
Project: Research project
Friend or Faux? Perceptions of Everyday Talk with Conversational Agents.
Dominguez, J. (PI)
Project: Research project
Distance Means Nothing and Everything: The Effect of Interpersonal Media Use with Geographically Distant Friends on Well-Being.
Dominguez, J. (PI) & Pennington, N. (CoI)
Project: Research project
De la ville et le roman marocain du XXe et XXIe siècle
Project: Research project
What Difference Does a Queer Friend Make? Exploring Familial-Related Benefits Across Friendship Types.
Dominguez, J. (PI) & Wolfe, B. (CoI)
Project: Research project
Start with Sustainability: Teaching Climate, Energy, and Sustainability in the World Language Classroom
Blasing, M. (PI)
Project: Research project
Co-Developing a Community Infrastructure with Lexington's Latinx Community,"
Espinoza Vasquez, F. (PI)
Project: Research project
Benefits of Simulation-Based Training and Person-Centered Care for Future Speech Language Pathologists
Page, C. (PI)
Project: Research project
Pneumonectomy for Lung Cancer: An outcomes analysis of 100 Consecutive cases
Saha, S. (PI)
Project: Research project
The Role of Memes in Mediated Communication between Relational Partners.
Dominguez, J. (PI)
Project: Research project