Projects and Grants per year
- 100 - 150 out of 241 results
Search results
Extending Roots of Fresh Stop Markets Across the Southeast Region
Tanaka, K. (PI) & Rignall, K. (CoI)
4/1/18 → 9/30/21
Project: Research project
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Hasemann: Evaluating what Factors Contribute to Effectiveness in Heritage Commercialization
Udvardy, M. (PI)
2/1/18 → 1/31/19
Project: Research project
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Bullock: Community Development, Livelihood Strategies, and Carceral Privatization in the U.S. South
Koch, E. (PI)
2/1/18 → 10/31/19
Project: Research project
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Sanmugeswaran: Community Rebuilding after Disaster
Whitaker, M. (PI)
2/1/18 → 7/31/19
Project: Research project
Autophagy-Lysosomal System in Breast Cancer Metabolism
Wang, Q. (PI), Gao, T. (CoI), Moseley, H. (CoI) & St Clair, D. (CoI)
1/1/18 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
2018-2020 UK-specialty Crop-Plate it Up
Norman-Burgdolf, H. (PI) & Stephenson, T. (Former CoI)
11/1/17 → 9/29/21
Project: Research project
MySTYLE: Online Family-Based HIV Prevention for non-Heterosexual Black Adolescent Males in the South
Crosby, R. (PI)
9/18/17 → 8/31/21
Project: Research project
An Extended Evaluation of Tennessee's Achievement School District and Local Innovation Zones
Zimmer, R. (PI)
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
9/13/17 → 6/30/20
Project: Research project
An Extended Evaluation of Tennessee's Achievement School District and Local Innovation Zones
Zimmer, R. (PI)
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
9/13/17 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
An Extended Evaluation of Tennessee's Achievement School District and Local Innovation Zones
Zimmer, R. (PI)
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
9/13/17 → 6/30/18
Project: Research project
Fellowship Shannon Parsley - Health Policy Research Scholars
Hahn, E. (PI) & Parsley, S. (CoI)
9/1/17 → 5/7/18
Project: Research project
Cardiovascular, Immune and Psychosocial Benefits of Reduced Cocaine Use
Stoops, W. (PI), Adatorwovor, R. (CoI), Aguilar, D. (CoI), Havens, J. (CoI), Hays, L. (CoI), Lile, J. (CoI), Rush, C. (CoI), Segerstrom, S. (Former CoI), Smyth, S. (Former CoI) & Venditto, V. (Former CoI)
National Institute on Drug Abuse
9/1/17 → 11/30/24
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Role of High Schools in Diversifying and Promoting Undergraduate Engineering Degree Attainment
Darolia, R. (PI)
9/1/17 → 2/28/21
Project: Research project
Farms to Food Banks Capacity-Building Project
Mullins, J. (PI) & Gustafson, A. (CoI)
Kentucky Association of Food Banks
9/1/17 → 8/31/21
Project: Research project
A Remote-Video Artificial Stream System for the Ecological Research and Education Center, University of Kentucky
Crowley, P. (PI), Higgins-Hord, L. (CoI), Higgins-Hord, L. (CoI), Price, S. (CoI) & Sargent, R. (CoI)
8/15/17 → 7/31/19
Project: Research project
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Selonsertib in Subjects with Compensated Cirrhosis due to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) GS-US-384-1944
Grigorian, A. (PI) & Leyson, C. (Former CoI)
8/1/17 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
The Decline of Indigenous Rights in Latin America
Martinez Novo, M. D. C. (PI)
8/1/17 → 7/31/18
Project: Research project
Alternative Sentencing Social Work Program Outcome Study
Walker, J. (PI) & Cole, J. (CoI)
KY Department of Public Advocacy
7/1/17 → 6/30/18
Project: Research project
An Extended Evaluation of Tennessee's Achievement School District and Local Innovation Zones
Zimmer, R. (PI)
7/1/17 → 6/30/20
Project: Research project
A Census of Kentucky's Older LGBTQ Population: Identifying Community Strengths and Opportunities
Hunter, E. (PI) & Guest, M. (CoI)
7/1/17 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
Governors Minority Student College Preparation Program
Farrell, A. (PI) & Tyler, Q. (Former CoPI)
7/1/17 → 1/31/19
Project: Research project
Sexual and Reproductive Health Symposium: Intersectional Perspectives
Mason, C. (PI)
7/1/17 → 6/30/18
Project: Research project
Cast as a Criminal: How Moral Typecasting Leads to Racial Prejudice
Brown-Iannuzzi, J. (PI)
6/1/17 → 5/31/19
Project: Research project
Creating New Chinese Citizen Subjects: A Study of Hong Kong Social Science Textbooks- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Yam, S.-Y. (PI)
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Full Typeface Production with FontLab- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Cinelli, M. (PI)
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 7/1/20
Project: Research project
Gender Gap in Citations: Unconscious Gender Bias in Arts Administration Scholarship- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Jung, Y. (PI)
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Gender Gap in Citations: Unconscious Gender Bias in Arts Administration Scholarship- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Schinberg, J. (PI)
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Accountable Health Communities Track 3 Alignment - Kentucky Consortium for Accountable Health Communities
Williams, M. (PI), Feltner, F. (CoI), Li, J. (CoI) & Surratt, H. (CoI)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
5/1/17 → 4/30/19
Project: Research project
Accountable Health Communities Track 3 Alignment - Kentucky Consortium for Accountable Health Communities
Williams, M. (PI), Douthitt, K. (CoI), Li, J. (CoI) & Surratt, H. (CoI)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
5/1/17 → 4/30/21
Project: Research project
County-Level Analysis of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Data
Christian, J. (PI)
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Giving a Boost to Inoculation Messages – 3 Phase Experimental Design- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Parker, K. (PI)
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
3rd Annual Philosophy Summer Camp
Sanday, E. (PI)
Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization
5/1/17 → 8/31/17
Project: Research project
Gender Gap in Citations: Unconscious Gender Bias in Arts Administration Scholarship- "OVPR CURATE Program"
Schinberg, J. (PI)
Office of the Vice President for Research
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Accountable Health Communities Track 3 Alignment - Kentucky Consortium for Accountable Health Communities
Williams, M. (PI), Feltner, F. (CoI), Li, J. (CoI) & Surratt, H. (CoI)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
5/1/17 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Accountable Health Communities Track 3 Alignment - Kentucky Consortium for Accountable Health Communities
Williams, M. (PI), Douthitt, K. (CoI), Feltner, F. (CoI), Li, J. (CoI) & Surratt, H. (CoI)
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
5/1/17 → 4/30/20
Project: Research project
The Effect of Status and Race on Role-Taking Accuracy
Love, T. (PI)
1/1/17 → 12/31/19
Project: Research project
Adjustment and Perceptions of Birth Relatives in Contact with Adoptive Families Diverse in Parental Sexual Orientation
Farr, R. (PI)
Family Process Institute Incorporated
1/1/17 → 3/31/19
Project: Research project
Collaborative Center for Literacy Development: Adolescent Literacy Project in Alternative Settings
Hruby, G. (PI)
10/15/16 → 9/30/17
Project: Research project
Cervical Cancer Risk Reduction for Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals: A Community Engaged Approach
Fallin-Bennett, A. (PI), Aleshire, M. (CoI) & Hatcher, J. (CoI)
9/1/16 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
FY 18 HANDS Program Evaluation
Williams, C. (PI)
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
7/1/16 → 6/30/18
Project: Research project
Analytic Support FY 16-17
Talbert, J. (PI)
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
7/1/16 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project
Governors Minority Student College Preparation Program
Tyler, Q. (PI)
7/1/16 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project
Analytic Support FY16-17- Maternal and Infant Health Initiative
Talbert, J. (PI)
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
7/1/16 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project
Citizen's Review Panels (ZFA1)
Segress, M. (PI)
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
7/1/16 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project
Ashford, K. (PI) & Hieronymus, L. (CoI)
KY Department for Public Health
7/1/16 → 6/30/17
Project: Research project