• Postal addressShow on map

    900 S Limestone, Room 564 C.T. Wethington

    40536 Lexington

    United States

Organization profile

Organization profile

The COCVD Pathology Core serves investigators across the institution whose research requires paraffin embedding, sectioning and staining of tissue specimens for analysis of pathology. It makes available equipment and expertise not normally found within individual research laboratories, and provides essential services to researchers who lack the necessary staff expertise to perform these tasks efficiently. The Core has a tissue processor, paraffin embedding center, microtomes and provides processing, embedding and paraffin sectioning services. The Core also has a variety of light microscopes equipped with cameras and software available to researchers for image capture and analysis. In addition, it provides protocols, training and and services for chromogenic staining, and provides protocols and training in immunostaining techniques and image analysis.

We routinely offer staining for H&E, Masson Trichrome, Picrosirius Red, Periodic Acid Schiff, Alcian Blue and Verhoeff Van Gieson Elastin stain.  Other staining protocol can be arranged by request.

Microscopes managed by the Path core:

Nikon Eclipse 55i Cool LED upright microscope system equipped with Plan Achro 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X and 100X-oil objectives, Nikon Ds-Fi1 5 MP CCD color camera with DS-U3 controller, Dell Optiplex 780 computer

Nikon Eclipse TS100 inverted microscope equipped with UW 2x, Plan Fluor 4x, Ph1 ADL 10x, 20x, 40x objectives and DSFi2 color camera - DS-U3 controller and Dell Optiplex 780 computer are shared with 55i upright microscope

Nikon Eclipse 80i upright microscope system equipped with Plan Fluor 4X, 10X, 20X, 40X objectives, fluorescent illumination system, filters for red, green and DAPI visualization, Nikon DS-Ri1 12 MP CCD color camera with DS-U2 USB controller, Dell Optiplex 790 computer and motorized stage for rapid stitching of adjacent fields, to facilitate quantification of cell size, number and staining

Nikon Eclipse TE2000-U inverted microscope equipped with Plan Fluor 4x, 20x, Plan Apo 10x objectives, fluorescent illumination system, filters for red, green and DAPI visualization, DSQi1 camera and Dell Optiplex 790 computer.

These systems are available to investigators for bright field or fluorescent microscopy, photography and image analysis to document and analyze stained tissue sections. The Core holds an NIS Elements-BR Quantitative Analysis software package site license with four keys and one NIS Elements-AR software package. Capabilities include thresholding, automatic area measurement, automatic object counting, ROI analysis.

Microscopes may be reserved through PPMS.  Contact Wendy Katz for training and assistance.