Projects and Grants per year
Search results
Molecular Mechanisms of Helicobacter Pylori Trans-kingdom DNA Conjugation
Shaffer, C. (PI)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
12/1/23 → 10/31/25
Project: Research project
COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Thorson, J. (PI), Helmy, Y. A. (CoI), Jaramillo, A. (CoI), She, Q.-B. (CoI), Adams, V. (Former CoI), Alam, M. (Former CoI), Awuah, S. (Former CoI), Bardo, M. (Former CoI), Bauer, B. (Former CoI), Burgess, D. (Former CoI), Czuba, L. (Former CoI), Daugherty, A. (Former CoI), Dwoskin, L. (Former CoI), Feola, D. (Former CoI), Garneau-Tsodikova, S. (Former CoI), Gensel, J. (Former CoI), Glazer, E. (Former CoI), Grady, M. (Former CoI), Graf, G. (Former CoI), Kapur, N. (Former CoI), Kolesar, J. (Former CoI), Korotkov, K. (Former CoI), Korotkova, N. (Former CoI), Leggas, M. (Former CoI), Mahmoud, K. A. (Former CoI), McLaurin, K. (Former CoI), Messaoudi Powers, I. (Former CoI), Nikolajczyk, B. (Former CoI), Ortinski, P. (Former CoI), Pack, D. (Former CoI), Park, J. (Former CoI), Prisinzano, T. (Former CoI), Richards, C. (Former CoI), Rohr, J. (Former CoI), Sen, P. (Former CoI), Shaffer, C. (Former CoI), Stevenson, B. (Former CoI), Sturgill, J. (Former CoI), Sviripa, V. (Former CoI), Tidgewell, K. (Former CoI), Tiruvannamalai Annam, R. (Former CoI), Turner, J. (Former CoI), Van Lanen, S. (Former CoI), Venditto, V. (Former CoI), Watt, D. (Former CoI), Webb, N. (Former CoI) & Zhan, C.-G. (Former CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/26
Project: Research project
Establishing the Center for Agricultural Fluorescence-Microscopy Experiments and Biological Imaging (CAFE-BI)
Nagy, P. (PI), Kawashima, T. (CoI), Shaffer, C. (CoI), Vaillancourt, L. (CoI) & Goodin, M. (Former CoI)
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
9/1/20 → 8/31/23
Project: Research project
COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Thorson, J. (PI), Adams, V. (CoI), Alam, M. (CoI), Burgess, D. (CoI), Dwoskin, L. (CoI), Feola, D. (CoI), Garneau-Tsodikova, S. (CoI), Gensel, J. (CoI), Grady, M. (CoI), Korotkov, K. (CoI), Mahmoud, K. A. (CoI), Pack, D. (CoI), Park, J. (CoI), Prisinzano, T. (CoI), Shaffer, C. (CoI), Stevenson, B. (CoI), Tiruvannamalai Annam, R. (CoI), Van Lanen, S. (CoI), Venditto, V. (CoI), Zhan, C.-G. (CoI), Awuah, S. (Former CoI), Daugherty, A. (Former CoI), Glazer, E. (Former CoI), Graf, G. (Former CoI), Kolesar, J. (Former CoI), Korotkova, N. (Former CoI), Leggas, M. (Former CoI), Richards, C. (Former CoI), Rohr, J. (Former CoI), Sen, P. (Former CoI), Sturgill, J. (Former CoI), Sviripa, V. (Former CoI), Watt, D. (Former CoI) & Webb, N. (Former CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/22
Project: Research project
COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Thorson, J. (PI), Adams, V. (CoI), Alam, M. (CoI), Burgess, D. (CoI), Czuba, L. (CoI), Dwoskin, L. (CoI), Feola, D. (CoI), Garneau-Tsodikova, S. (CoI), Gensel, J. (CoI), Grady, M. (CoI), Graf, G. (CoI), Helmy, Y. A. (CoI), Korotkov, K. (CoI), Mahmoud, K. A. (CoI), Nikolajczyk, B. (CoI), Pack, D. (CoI), Park, J. (CoI), Prisinzano, T. (CoI), Shaffer, C. (CoI), Stevenson, B. (CoI), Tiruvannamalai Annam, R. (CoI), Van Lanen, S. (CoI), Venditto, V. (CoI), Zhan, C.-G. (CoI), Awuah, S. (Former CoI), Daugherty, A. (Former CoI), Glazer, E. (Former CoI), Kolesar, J. (Former CoI), Korotkova, N. (Former CoI), Leggas, M. (Former CoI), Richards, C. (Former CoI), Rohr, J. (Former CoI), Sen, P. (Former CoI), Sturgill, J. (Former CoI), Sviripa, V. (Former CoI), Watt, D. (Former CoI) & Webb, N. (Former CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/23
Project: Research project
Scope: Project 3: COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Shaffer, C. (PI) & Thorson, J. (CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/22
Project: Research project
Scope: Project Shaffer: COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Shaffer, C. (PI) & Thorson, J. (CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/23
Project: Research project
Scope: Project 3: COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Shaffer, C. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/21
Project: Research project
Carryforward: COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Thorson, J. (PI), Adams, V. (CoI), Awuah, S. (CoI), Bardo, M. (CoI), Bauer, B. (CoI), Czuba, L. (CoI), Dwoskin, L. (CoI), Feola, D. (CoI), Gensel, J. (CoI), Grady, M. (CoI), Graf, G. (CoI), Jaramillo, A. (CoI), Kapur, N. (CoI), Mahmoud, K. A. (CoI), Messaoudi Powers, I. (CoI), Nikolajczyk, B. (CoI), Ortinski, P. (CoI), Pack, D. (CoI), Park, J. (CoI), Prisinzano, T. (CoI), Rohr, J. (CoI), She, Q.-B. (CoI), Stevenson, B. (CoI), Tidgewell, K. (CoI), Tiruvannamalai Annam, R. (CoI), Turner, J. (CoI), Van Lanen, S. (CoI), Venditto, V. (CoI), Zhan, C.-G. (CoI), Alam, M. (Former CoI), Burgess, D. (Former CoI), Daugherty, A. (Former CoI), Garneau-Tsodikova, S. (Former CoI), Glazer, E. (Former CoI), Helmy, Y. A. (Former CoI), Kolesar, J. (Former CoI), Korotkov, K. (Former CoI), Korotkova, N. (Former CoI), Leggas, M. (Former CoI), Richards, C. (Former CoI), Sen, P. (Former CoI), Shaffer, C. (Former CoI), Sturgill, J. (Former CoI), Sviripa, V. (Former CoI), Watt, D. (Former CoI) & Webb, N. (Former CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/24
Project: Research project
COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Thorson, J. (PI), Adams, V. (CoI), Awuah, S. (CoI), Bardo, M. (CoI), Bauer, B. (CoI), Czuba, L. (CoI), Dwoskin, L. (CoI), Feola, D. (CoI), Gensel, J. (CoI), Grady, M. (CoI), Graf, G. (CoI), Jaramillo, A. (CoI), Kapur, N. (CoI), Mahmoud, K. A. (CoI), McLaurin, K. (CoI), Messaoudi Powers, I. (CoI), Nikolajczyk, B. (CoI), Ortinski, P. (CoI), Pack, D. (CoI), Park, J. (CoI), Prisinzano, T. (CoI), Rohr, J. (CoI), She, Q.-B. (CoI), Stevenson, B. (CoI), Tidgewell, K. (CoI), Turner, J. (CoI), Van Lanen, S. (CoI), Venditto, V. (CoI), Zhan, C.-G. (CoI), Alam, M. (Former CoI), Burgess, D. (Former CoI), Daugherty, A. (Former CoI), Garneau-Tsodikova, S. (Former CoI), Glazer, E. (Former CoI), Helmy, Y. A. (Former CoI), Kolesar, J. (Former CoI), Korotkov, K. (Former CoI), Korotkova, N. (Former CoI), Leggas, M. (Former CoI), Richards, C. (Former CoI), Sen, P. (Former CoI), Shaffer, C. (Former CoI), Sturgill, J. (Former CoI), Sviripa, V. (Former CoI), Tiruvannamalai Annam, R. (Former CoI), Watt, D. (Former CoI) & Webb, N. (Former CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/24
Project: Research project
COBRE in Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation
Thorson, J. (PI), Adams, V. (CoI), Awuah, S. (CoI), Burgess, D. (CoI), Dwoskin, L. (CoI), Feola, D. (CoI), Garneau-Tsodikova, S. (CoI), Glazer, E. (CoI), Grady, M. (CoI), Kolesar, J. (CoI), Korotkov, K. (CoI), Korotkova, N. (CoI), Leggas, M. (CoI), Mahmoud, K. A. (CoI), Pack, D. (CoI), Prisinzano, T. (CoI), Richards, C. (CoI), Rohr, J. (CoI), Shaffer, C. (CoI), Stevenson, B. (CoI), Tiruvannamalai Annam, R. (CoI), Van Lanen, S. (CoI), Venditto, V. (CoI), Zhan, C.-G. (CoI), Daugherty, A. (Former CoI), Graf, G. (Former CoI), Sviripa, V. (Former CoI), Watt, D. (Former CoI) & Webb, N. (Former CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
3/1/20 → 1/31/21
Project: Research project
Mapping the Intestinal Microbiome of Parascsrids spp.: A Pilot Study
Nielsen, M. (PI) & Shaffer, C. (CoI)
12/1/18 → 9/7/20
Project: Research project
Helicobacter pylori Blood Biomarker for Gastric Cancer Risk in East Asia
Shaffer, C. (PI)
5/1/18 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
Caught in the Act: Visualizing the Architecture of Bacterial Type IV Secretion System Machinery at the Cell-Cell Interface
Shaffer, C. (PI)
4/1/17 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Translocation of Effector Molecules by the Helicobacter Pylori Type IV Secretion System
Shaffer, C. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
7/1/14 → 4/30/20
Project: Research project