12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Edward Woolery, Ph.D. with the persons below:
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Jason Dortch, Ph.D.
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Assistant Professor
- Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) - Geologist V
Michael McGlue, Ph.D.
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences Endowed Alumni Professorship
- UNITE Research Priority Area
- Kentucky Water Research Institute - Affiliate
Dhananjay Ravat, Ph.D.
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Professor
- Physics And Astronomy - Joint Appointment
Carmen Agouridis, Ph.D.
- Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering - Professor
- Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment - Senior Associate Dean
- Kentucky Water Research Institute - Affiliate
James Fox, Ph.D.
- Civil Engineering - Professor
- Center for Computational Sciences - Member
- Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering - Raymond Civil Engineering Endowment Fund
James Thigpen, Ph.D.
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ole Wendroth, Ph.D.
- Plant and Soil Sciences - Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Integrated Plant and Soil Science, Director of Graduate Studies, Plant & Soil Science
William Ford, Ph.D.
- Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering - Associate Professor
- Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment - Director of Graduate Certificate, Stream and Watershed Science
- Kentucky Water Research Institute - Affiliate
Lindsey Bryson, Ph.D.
- Civil Engineering - Professor, Chair, Department of Civil Engineering
- Earth and Environmental Sciences - Joint Appointment
- Stanley and Karen Pigman College of Engineering - Hardin-Drnevich-Huang Professorship in Geotechnical Engineering