Projects and Grants per year
Search results
ARS/FAPRU: Improving Sustainability of Forage-Based Production Systems
Matthews, J., Anderson, L., Bridges, P., Ely, D., Haan, N., Harmon, D., Hunt, A., Ji, H., McCulley, R., McLeod, K., Phillips, T., Rentfrow, G., Schardl, C., Smith, S., Suman, S., Teutsch, C., VanValin, K. & Zhu, H.
5/1/23 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
ARS/FAPRU: Ji - Improving Sustainability of Forage-Based Production Systems
5/1/23 → 4/30/25
Project: Research project
The Agronomy of Hemp and Its Uses in Forage-Animal Agriculture
8/1/21 → 7/31/25
Project: Research project
The Agronomy of Hemp and Its Uses in Forage-Animal Agriculture
Matthews, J., Adam, E., Adams, A., Ely, D., Gauthier, N., Harmon, D., Hunt, A., Ji, H., Kawashima, T., Lawrence, L., Mark, T., McCulley, R., McLeod, K., Moe, L., Page, A., Pearce, R., Schendel, R., Urschel, K., Vanzant, E., Villanueva, R. & Xiong, Y.
8/1/21 → 7/31/25
Project: Research project
Program Income: Cigar Reference Products Program
Chambers, O., Fisher, A., Fisher, C., Ji, H., McNees, C., Shelton, B. & Yuan, L.
2/1/20 → 1/31/25
Project: Research project
Cigar Reference Products Program
Chambers, O., Fisher, A., Fisher, C., Ji, H., McNees, C., Shelton, B. & Yuan, L.
2/1/20 → 1/31/25
Project: Research project