Projects and Grants per year
Personal profile
Education/Academic qualification
Residency, University Of Kentucky
Doctor of Medicine, University Of Kentucky
Bachelor of Science, University Of Kentucky
Projects & Grants
- 2 Finished
Addressing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome by Expanding the Delivery of Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Services to Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder
Joy, J. (PI), O'Brien, J. (CoI), Parilla, B. (CoI) & Smallwood, P. (CoI)
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
7/1/20 → 6/30/22
Project: Research project
PATHway Study: Comparative Effectiveness Study of Peripartum Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Kentucky (Morehead Site Scope)
Todd, R. (PI), Hansen, W. (CoI), Forester, C. (Former PI), Smallwood, P. (Former PI) & Critchfield, A. (Former CoI)
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
8/1/18 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project