6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Patricia Dyk, Ph.D. with the persons below:
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Sarah Dorpinghaus, MLS
- Libraries - Librarian I, Director, Digital Services - Special Collections Research Center, Director, Information Technology - Collections, Digital Scholarship, & Technical Services
Helen Turner, M.S.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Associate Professor, Director, School of Interiors: Planning/Strategy/Design
Rebecca Bosetti, Ph.D.
- College of Social Work - Assistant Professor
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Kristina Hains, Ph.D.
- Educational Leadership Studies - Professor, Program Chair, Leadership for Comm. Edu. & Human Learn, Director of Undergraduate Certificate, Leadership Studies
Kristen Perry, Ph.D.
- Curriculum and Instruction - Professor
- The Graduate School - Associate Dean of Administration and Faculty Affairs