6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Rebekah Radtke with the persons below:
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Helen Turner, M.S.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Associate Professor, Director, School of Interiors: Planning/Strategy/Design
Douglas Boyd, Ph.D.
- Libraries - Librarian I, Director, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History - Special Collections Research Center
- Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation - Joint Appointment
- UNITE Research Priority Area
Patrick Lucas, Ph.D.
- School of Interiors: Planning / Strategy / Design - Professor, Universal Design Certificate Coordinator
- College of Design - Director of International Studies
Jeffrey Johnson, M.Arch
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Architecture, Director, School of Architecture, AIA Kentucky Endowed Professorship
Jeffrey Fugate, MCP
- School of Architecture - Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Certificate, Urban and Environmental Design, John Russell Groves-Kentucky Housing Corporation Research Fund in Affordable Housing Design