6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Robert Nickerson, MD with the persons below:
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Jeffrey Okeson, DMD
- Oral Health Science - Professor
- College of Dentistry - Dean, College of Dentistry
- Neurology - Joint Appointment
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
Susan McDowell, MD
- Rehabilitation Medicine - Associate Professor, Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Janet Galloway Carter Chair in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
Paul Sloan, MD
- Anesthesiology - Professor, Chief, Acute Pain
- Internal Medicine - Joint Appointment
- Substance Use Priority Research Area
Phillip Tibbs, MD
- Neurosurgery - Professor
- Rehabilitation Medicine - Joint Appointment
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area
Nancy Stiles, MD
- Rehabilitation Medicine - Associate Professor
- Internal Medicine - Joint Appointment
- Neuroscience Research Priority Area