Projects and Grants per year
Search results
The Effects of PFAS Loading on Biogeochemical Cycling, Fate, and Transport in Wetlands
Unrine, J. (PI), Crofcheck, C. (CoI), Messer, T. (CoI) & Rodriguez Lopez, C. (CoI)
1/16/25 → 1/15/28
Project: Research project
Distillery Lake Restoration
Messer, T. (PI) & Berron, B. (CoI)
12/15/24 → 12/15/25
Project: Research project
ALN 47.041: PIPP Phase II: Environmental Surveillance for Assessing Pathogen Emergence (ESCAPE)
Berry, S. (PI), Burgess, D. (CoI), Hoover, A. (CoI) & Messer, T. (CoI)
9/1/24 → 8/31/31
Project: Research project
PIPP Phase II: Environmental Surveillance for Assessing Pathogen Emergence (ESCAPE)
Berry, S. (PI), Alameh, S. (CoI), Arora, V. (CoI), Burgess, D. (CoI), Gallimore, J. (CoI), Hoover, A. (CoI), Messer, T. (CoI), Ormsbee, L. (CoI) & Xiang, L. (CoI)
9/1/24 → 8/31/31
Project: Research project
REU Site: Multidisciplinary Approaches for Overcoming Water Resources and Sustainable Engineering Challenges in Appalachian Regions
Messer, T. (PI) & Barzee, T. (CoI)
6/1/24 → 5/31/27
Project: Research project
Participant Support - REU Site: Multidisciplinary Approaches for Overcoming Water Resources and Sustainable Engineering Challenges in Appalachian Regions
Messer, T. (PI) & Barzee, T. (CoI)
6/1/24 → 5/31/27
Project: Research project
104B Water Resources Research Institute Annual Base Program 2021-2026
Unrine, J. (PI), Ormsbee, L. (Former PI), Arpin, S. (Former CoI), Barton, C. (Former CoI), Brewster-Barnes, T. (Former CoI), Byrne, D. (Former CoI), Crofcheck, C. (Former CoI), D'Angelo, E. (Former CoI), Durham, R. (Former CoI), Erhardt, A. (Former CoI), Evans, S. (Former CoI), Ford, W. (Former CoI), Fryar, A. (Former CoI), Koyagi, E. (Former CoI), Lee, B. (Former CoI), Messer, T. (Former CoI), Moe, L. (Former CoI), Sena, K. (Former CoI), Shelley, A. (Former CoI), Shultis, A. (Former CoI), Tobin, B. (Former CoI) & Weisrock, D. (Former CoI)
9/1/21 → 8/31/26
Project: Research project
CAREER: Impact of Pesticide and Antibiotic Cocktails on Nitrogen Removal Processes in Treatment Wetland
Messer, T. (PI)
7/1/21 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project
Evaluation of Nanopesticide Fate and Transport and Biogeochemical Implications in Agroecosystems
Messer, T. (PI)
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
2/15/21 → 2/14/26
Project: Research project