Projects and Grants per year
Search results
Exploring the Mechanism and Therapeutic Potential of Mitochondrial Transplantation (MT) Using Astrocytic Extracellular Vesicles Containing Mitochondria (mtEV) in Traumatic Brain Injury
Sullivan, P. (PI), Gopal Viswanathan, V. (CoI), Hubbard, W. (CoI) & Patel, S. (CoI)
KY Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust
2/1/25 → 1/31/28
Project: Research project
Assessment of Astrocytic Mitochondrial Transfer to Brain Capillaries After Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Hubbard, W. (PI) & Gopal Viswanathan, V. (CoI)
KY Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust
2/1/25 → 1/31/28
Project: Research project
Leveraging Preclinical Repeated Blast Traumatic Brain Injury to Model Military-Relevant Post-Traumatic Epilepsy
Hubbard, W. (PI) & Bauer, B. (CoI)
Army Medical Research and Development Command
6/1/24 → 5/31/27
Project: Research project
Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in CNS Metabolism - Administrative Core
Sullivan, P. (PI), Bachstetter, A. (CoI), Bauer, B. (CoI), Dutch, R. (CoI), Hubbard, W. (CoI), Johnson, L. (CoI), Nikolajczyk, B. (CoI), Norris, C. (CoI), Patel, S. (CoI), Schmitt, F. (CoI), Selenica, M.-L. (CoI), Slevin, J. (CoI), Wilcock, D. (CoI) & Yamasaki, T. (CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
5/15/23 → 2/29/28
Project: Research project
Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in CNS Metabolism - Project 2 Hubbard
Hubbard, W. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
5/15/23 → 2/29/28
Project: Research project
IPA: Psychological Deficits After Low Level Blast Exposure: Role Of Neurovascular Disruption
Ye, S. (PI) & Hubbard, W. (CoI)
5/1/24 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in CNS Metabolism - Administrative Core
Sullivan, P. (PI), Bachstetter, A. (CoI), Bauer, B. (CoI), Dutch, R. (CoI), Hubbard, W. (CoI), Johnson, L. (CoI), Nikolajczyk, B. (CoI), Norris, C. (CoI), Patel, S. (CoI), Schmitt, F. (CoI), Selenica, M.-L. (CoI), Slevin, J. (CoI), Wilcock, D. (CoI) & Yamasaki, T. (CoI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
5/15/23 → 2/29/24
Project: Research project
Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in CNS Metabolism - Project 2 Hubbard
Hubbard, W. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
5/15/23 → 2/29/24
Project: Research project
Blast TBI rLG3 Therapeutic Study
Hubbard, W. (PI)
Stream Biomedical Incorporated
3/3/23 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
IPA: Psychological Deficits After Low Level Blast Exposure: Role Of Neurovascular Disruption
Tran, S. (PI) & Hubbard, W. (CoI)
1/24/23 → 5/4/24
Project: Research project
Advancement of Drugs for the Treatment of Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
Sullivan, P. (PI) & Hubbard, W. (CoI)
Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium
9/8/21 → 12/31/23
Project: Research project
NSF EPSCoR: Examining Mitochondrial Bioenergetics after Single and Repeated Mild Closed Head Injuries
Hubbard, W. (PI)
1/1/17 → 3/31/18
Project: Research project
NSF EPSCoR: Examining Mitochondrial Bioenergetics after Single and Repeated Mild Closed Head Injuries
Hubbard, W. (PI)
1/1/17 → 7/31/17
Project: Research project