2022 School Climate Transformation Project

Grants and Contracts Details


Center on Trauma & Children School Climate Transformation Scope of Services The UK CTAC will partner with KDE to provide COVID response and support as well as a sustainability initiative using a Training for Trainers format that will serve areas of the state identified by UK CTAC and KDE, to compliment to duplicate activities from other federal projects. Deliverables include the following: • Two, Train the Trainers (TTT) using a learning collaborative format. These learning collaborative will include a pre-work period, multiple learning sessions, learning consultation calls, and access to the group learning management system used for the specific collaborative (i.e. Basecamp) for resource support. TTT activities will be converted to virtual formats if in person learning sessions are not possible. All participants will have access to all the resources provided to Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education (AWARE) LC participants and will be included in the end of the year final learning session. • Integration of trainees into the peer support network • Evaluation of learning collaborative impact will be determined through pre and posttest data collection to demonstrate learning and organizational change toward becoming trauma informed; and numbers of counties or districts with Trauma Informed Practices for Educators (TIPE) trainers.
Effective start/end date2/5/229/30/22


  • KY Department of Education: $70,000.00


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