23-UK SCBG Harlequin Bug Mngt: Grant Period 2023-2026

Grants and Contracts Details


Scope of Work – SCBG – BESSIN – HARLEQUIN BUG Roles of Personnel Personnel 1: Ric Bessin. Project Director. Assist with the development and installation of the field experiment; provide technical assistance and mentorship for the graduate student; coordinate periodic group meetings among the project team; help with statistical data analysis; co-author/lead development of publications, seminars and field presentations, prepare progress and final reports. Bessin will be involved with the entire project. Personnel 2: Lab Tech/Graduate Student. The graduate student will gain a Master’s Degree with the research in this project. They will be directed by Bessin will manage the field component of the project, including plot installation, plot management, data collection, data analysis, publication preparation, and seminar presentations. Activities In each of the three years of the project, a fall broccoli study will be conducted on the UK horticulture farm to assess the efficacy of selected organic insecticides for management of Harlequin bug. All of the research and data collection will occur on this farm. Information generated as a result of this project will be disseminated via field days, grower meetings, extension articles, publications and social media.
Effective start/end date12/15/229/29/25


  • KY Department of Agriculture: $30,465.00


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