Grants and Contracts Details
Hadrons, including the proton and neutron, make up the majority of the visible matter in the universe.
Thus, understanding their structure is of fundamental importance. As a frontier aspect of sub-atomic
physics the nucleon has been under intensive investigation for the last several decades. Tremendous
progress has been made, in particular, in mapping out the one-dimension momentum distribution of the
nucleon''s constituents, i.e., the Feynman parton distribution functions (PDFs). These investigations not
only unveil the partonic structure of the nucleon, but also provide an important opportunity to study the
strong interaction, one of the four fundamental forces in our universe. Still, essential questions remain
to be answered: how do the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of the quarks and gluons within the
nucleon combine to make up its total spin? What is the origin of the mass of the nucleon and other
hadrons? Do gravitational form factors inform us about the origin of mass and can they be extracted
from measurements? Where are the quarks and gluons located within the nucleon? How does the
quark-gluon structure of the nucleon change when it is bound in the nucleus? All these urgent questions
have stimulated further theoretical and experimental investigations in the hadron physics community
and major facilities have been and will be built to explore them.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/15/23 → 1/14/25 |
- Temple University: $54,800.00
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