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ACRP 09-23 Strategies for Spatial Data Maintenance at Airports
11/1/24 → 1/31/26
Project: Research project
Colorado CANS Project
Lyons, J., Tong, X., Vsevolozhskaya, O. & Fernando, A.
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
10/21/24 → 6/30/25
Project: Research project
HPAI in Cattle
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
10/17/24 → 10/16/25
Project: Research project
GENOCARE: A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial of Genotype-Guided Dosing Versus Usual Care
Medical College of Virginia Foundation
10/16/24 → 1/15/27
Project: Research project
Kentucky Alternate Assessment Project FY25 (Federal Funds)
Norman, J. & Kearns, J.
10/7/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
UP - Food Insecurity and Medicaid Spending (C5537) FY25
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
10/4/24 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project
Photovoice Training for Bourbon County Health Department
Bourbon County Health Department
10/1/24 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
Hunter, J., Adedokun, O. & Weddle, A.
KY Department of Community Based Services
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
UK-KIPRC Improving Trauma Registry Data M3DA-2025-00-00-01
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
UKCES Agriculture Water Quality Education Project
KY Energy and Environment Cabinet
10/1/24 → 9/30/28
Project: Research project
Novel Therapeutics for the Control of Multidrug-resistant Rhodococcus Equi in Foals
American Quarter Horse Foundation
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
The Design and Formulation of a Low Carbon High Performance Cement for Plugging and Abandonment of Oil and Gas Wells
Jewell, R. & Robl, T.
10/1/24 → 3/31/25
Project: Research project
Planning: DCL EPSCOR: CISE Large: Distributed Edge Intelligence in Support of Next-Generation Applications
Silvestri, S., Ionel, D. & Siddique, M. A. B.
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
Kentucky LEADS (Leading, Educating, Advocating-Directors of Special Education) FY25
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
XMM-Newton Observation of the Smallest Galaxy Cluster Hosting a Radio Relic
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
#IChampionHealth: Supporting Substance Misuse Prevention Through Peer Networks and a Trauma-Informed Health Equity Lens
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
UP - Changes in Healthcare Access in KY Medicaid (C5540) FY25
KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services
10/1/24 → 6/30/26
Project: Research project
Natural Disaster Tornado Recovery Forest Stewardship Project
10/1/24 → 6/30/28
Project: Research project
Multi-Scale Densification of Electrochemically Aligned Fibers for Ultra-High Strength Compisites from Waste Cellulose
10/1/24 → 3/23/26
Project: Research project
KY SPDG (State Personnel Development Grant) Year 2 - Evaluation
10/1/24 → 9/30/25
Project: Research project
Act Early Ambassadors: State, Territorial, or Tribal Liaisons to CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early"
American Academy of Pediatrics
10/1/24 → 9/30/26
Project: Research project
SBIR: Raman Analysis of Copper-Chelating Organic Compounds in Metal Recovery Processes
10/1/24 → 4/3/25
Project: Research project
Development and Demonstration of an Automated Shuttle Car
Schafrik, S., Agioutantis, Z. & Sottile, J.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
9/30/24 → 9/29/26
Project: Research project
Field Testing of dsRNA Formulations for Controlling ALB
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
9/30/24 → 9/29/25
Project: Research project
Engaging People Who Use Drugs in Harm Reduction Service Delivery: An Intravention to Reduce Risk of HIV, HCV, Overdose, and Injection-related Infections in Rural Appalachia
Young, A., Fanucchi, L., Havens, J., Knudsen, H., Surratt, H. & Thompson, K.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
9/30/24 → 8/31/26
Project: Research project
Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (Project RISE)
Feltner, F., Nix, M. & Williams, C.
Health Resources and Services Administration
9/30/24 → 8/31/28
Project: Research project
An Innovative, Trauma-informed Approach for Reducing Overdose Risk Among Women Re-entering the Community From Prison
Staton, C., Logan, T., Oser, C., Tillson, M. & Winston, E.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
9/30/24 → 9/29/25
Project: Research project
Local Food Value Chain Coordination Resiliency
Agricultural Marketing Service
9/30/24 → 9/29/26
Project: Research project
Learning and Evaluation of State DD Council TA Center
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
9/30/24 → 9/29/25
Project: Research project