A long-term evaluation of the interacting effects of fire and White-Nose Syndrome on endangered bats

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Objective #5: Evaluate changes in the growth of white oak (Quercus alba), shade-tolerant competitors, and associated herbivory loads, in areas that vary in fire exposure and burn history. Investigate potential interactions between fire and WNS on trees within the forest understory using on-site assessments of seedling vigor in conjunction with remotely-sensed data (LiDAR). Section II: Deliverables Included in Proposal for JFSP #14-1-05-22: Multi-species data set on seedling growth. A master’s thesis will result in a comprehensive written summary of these data. Section III: Timeline Partial funding is needed for FY 2015, and full funding for FY 2016-2017. This will allow for selection of M.S. student prior to Spring of 2015. Data collection will be continuous with JFSP #10-1-06-1, and allow for two field seasons for project objective #5. Summary of Project Milestones (from comprehensive proposal) are as follows: Project Milestone Description September 30, 2014 Field work for year concludes; JFSP annual reports submitted April 2015 Coordination meeting across collaborators; Begin field work September 2015 Field work for year concludes; JFSP annual report submitted April 2016 Coordination meeting across collaborators; Begin field work September 2016 Field work for year concludes December 2016 JFSP final report due; synthesis workshop with CAFMS, MCNP, NAFSC
Effective start/end date7/29/1412/31/18


  • Eastern Kentucky University: $57,943.00


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