ACTC AHEAD Alzheimer's Association Proposal: Diverse Recruitment Component

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract The primary focus of this proposal is to directly support engagement of underrepresented participants in the AHEAD study and to advance the “Science-of-Recruitment”. Accelerating recruitment into the AHEAD trial, especially for under-represented groups (URG), and enhancing our understanding of reasons for engagement/disengagement are the goals of this application. We intend to focus messaging in 3 areas including: 1) an increased risk for disease (present AHEAD materials), 2) focus on general medical risk factors (“sugar & pressure”), as well as 3)preventing limited access to approved therapies as a result of non-representation in trials (aducanumab example).
Effective start/end date11/1/2110/31/23


  • University of Southern California: $10,000.00


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