Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC), a bona fide agent for the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH), seeks funding of $1 million over 36 months under Category 6 with research component. The University of Kentucky (UK) is the research partner. The proposed initiative will leverage prescription drug monitoring data through linkage with electronic health records and public heath surveillance data to develop prescriber- and patient-targeted interventions, thereby addressing both supply and demand in the context of opioid overuse and misuse. KIPRC will lead this statewide project in partnership with Kentucky All-Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER) program, UK HealthCare, the UK research team, state and community agencies. The project will use data and rigorous methodologies to address its aims, leveraging public health and safety datasets made available under data-sharing agreements dating to a BJA FY2014 Data-driven grant ( Action researchers from the UK Colleges of Public Health, Pharmacy, and Medicine will follow the BJA Smart Suite initiative for practitioner-researcher partnership. The project aims follow: 1. Address medically unnecessary opioid supply by developing an algorithm-based mechanism to identify high-volume, high-risk opioid prescribing specialty groups within a healthcare system in order to provide actionable information to healthcare leadership to initiate targeted education. 2. Address medically unnecessary opioid demand by a) developing an algorithm to identify inpatients whose specific principal diagnoses increase the likelihood that they will receive opioid prescriptions upon discharge; and b) developing diagnosis-specific patient education materials in order to facilitate a healthcare system intervention for inpatients with these diagnoses. 3. Disseminate results by developing reports, peer-reviewed manuscripts, and a repository of developed and tested patient- and prescriber-oriented educational materials to facilitate replication in other healthcare systems and settings. The Kentucky Drug Overdose Prevention Advisory Group, which is the action team established for the BJA Data-driven grant in 2014, will provide guidance for the initiative, will meet quarterly to review recent data and provide input on project implementation and deliverables. This group also advises on several state drug overdose prevention grants funded by the BJA and the CDC. The proposed initiative addresses BJA priorities for strengthening multi-agency and practitioner-research collaborations, timely data-sharing, and prescriber education. Kentucky is currently a CDC Prevention for States and a SAMHSA Medication Assisted Treatment- Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction grantee; letters of support from these programs are provided.
Effective start/end date10/1/188/31/20


  • Department of Justice: $536,103.00


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