Administrative Supplement: Lafora Epilepsy - Basic Mechanisms to Therapy (Admin Core)

Grants and Contracts Details


This is an Administrative Supplement request in response to PA-20-272, “Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements” for P01NS097197 entitled “Lafora Epilepsy – Basic mechanisms to therapy”. The requested funds are to maintain and cryo-preserve Lafora disease animal models and novel cell lines as well as maintain key resources. Per the budget justification, these funds will be utilized by the Roach laboratory (Project 3), the Guinovart laboratory (Project 4), the Sanz laboratory (Project 4), and the Serratosa laboratory (Biological Core). The Gentry laboratory (Project 1) and the Minassian laboratory (Project 2) have carryforward funds that they will utilize to preserve and maintain key resources. The Medicinal Chemistry Core generated a number of small molecules that are still being tested and no funds are being requested for additional compounds. Therefore, the Medicinal Chemistry Core is being sunset. The Biological Core originally was comprised of a branch at UCSD that generated animal and cell line LD models and one in Madrid that has been and is performing behavioral tests and cell line analyses. Since no new animal or cell line models are needed at this time, the UCSD branch is being sunset. In summary, the requested funds will be utilized to maintain novel and key reagents that have been generated and are critical to developing a therapy or cure for Lafora disease.
Effective start/end date7/1/216/30/23


  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke


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