Algebra Cubed: Algebraic Concepts In Middle and High School in Two Appalachian Counties-Track 1

  • Leep, D (PI)
  • Lineberry, Gene (CoI)
  • Ma, Xin (CoI)
  • Osborn, Jeffrey (CoI)
  • Millman, Richard (Former PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


ALGEBRA CUBED is a track one proposal whose intellectual merit is based on two foci. The first is its design to increase the understanding of algebraic concepts in the middle and high schools of Bath and Powell counties in Kentucky. Our theme is to enrich the conceptual understanding of algebraic concepts for all classes which include algebra through the use of examples from the sciences (including mathematics) and engineering. The second is our philosophy of establishing a vertically integrated, professional learning community of mutual value and respect among all. This structure will enrich the students attitudes and view of the connections of mathematics, and an increase the level of fluency in the procedural aspects of algebra. ALGEBRA CUBED builds on the accomplishments of the Appalachiau Math Science Partnership aud the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative and will connect our teacher partners, university faculty, and Fellows in content and pedagogical growth. The broader impact is to serve as a model to better prepare the students of two rural and economically disadvantaged areas of Appalachia in order to improve their opportunities. It will also introduce the Fellows to the issues of middle school and high school education in mathematics, have them recognize the contribution that their discipline can make to the learning of mathematics (especially algebra), and to provide a platform for them to remain connected and have a strong impact on the K-12 education process throughout their careers. Number of Graduate Fellows per year: 9 graduate and 3 undergraduate Fellows Number of K-12 classes anticipated to be served/year: 24 Number of K-12 Teachers working with Fellows: 12 School District Partners: Bath and Powell Counties (Kentucky) Target audience of the project (K-12 grade-band): 6-12, middle and high school Setting: Rural NSF supported disciplines involved: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering (Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining), Geological Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics.
Effective start/end date3/1/062/28/10


  • National Science Foundation


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