AMSP - Pubs (Publications, Non-Participant Costs)

  • Eakin, Paul (PI)
  • Atwood, R (CoI)
  • Lee, C. (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky and the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation (ARSI) will create the Appalachian Mathematics and Science Partnership (AMSP), a comprehensive partnership of educational institutions and regional agencies to reform science, mathematics and technology (MST) education in central Appalachia. The broad long-term objectives are to (I) eliminate the "achievement gap" in MST for regional preK-12 students and (2) build an integrated preK-12 and higher education system in this underserved area to insure the selection, development and career-long support of a diverse and high quality mathematics and science teacher workforce. Four critical components address the needs of this region: (1) preservice teacher and administrator education, (2) professional development of preK-I 2 personnel, (3) student achievement including parent/community engagement, and (4) research to advance the understanding of rural education reform. The intellectual merit of the AMSP plan lies in its vision of a continuum ofMST teaching and learning experiences with extensive overlap and crossparticipation by all partners at all levels of interaction-students, teachers, administrators and professors. AMSP expects a broader social impact because education reform in this underserved region is key to advancing workforce development in a knowledge-based economy and addressing regional social and economic issues.
Effective start/end date10/1/029/30/08


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  • Appalachian Mathematics and Science Partnership

    Royster, D. (PI), Lee, C. (CoI), Eakin, P. (Former PI), Yopp, J. (Former PI) & Atwood, R. (Former CoI)


    Project: Research project