An Aquifer (Pumping) Test, Well No. 1, City of Elizabethtown#s Municipal Supply Well Field

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), working in collaboration with Hardin County Water District No. 2 (HCWD2), proposes to conduct a pumping test of the limestone aquifer at the City of Elizabethtown's municipal supply well field. The purpose of the test is to provide HCWD2 with scientific data needed to make informed decisions regarding ways to maximize the operational efficiency of the well field and potentially increase capacity. The pumping test will provide data about current groundwater-level conditions in the Elizabethtown limestone aquifer and data needed to calculate important hydraulic properties of the pumping well and aquifer. The proposed test is critical to the economic needs and resource management objectives of HCWD2. It will also enable KGS to collect data to help fulfill its legislatively mandated mission of quantifying and characterizing the availability of groundwater resources throughout Kentucky.
Effective start/end date9/1/1512/31/15


  • Hardin County Water District No 2: $7,165.00


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