Grants and Contracts Details
2 Title: An Innovative Approach to provide SBIRT Training (IAST) for health care providers.
3 The project (IAST) is designed to provide innovative training on Screening Brief Intervention
4 Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) to fourteen graduate faculty and one hundred primary care nurse
5 practitioner students at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing (UKCON) and
6 community health care providers. Substance abuse is a serious public health concern in the
7 commonwealth of Kentucky (KY) and nationally for children, adolescent and adults. Training
8 the next generation of KY primary care providers and current health care providers will build
9 capacity to effect positive behavioral change among individuals with substance use disorders
10 especially in vulnerable and underserved areas. The innovate delivery of web-based SBIRT
11 content and the use of a simulated patient encounter using avatars will equip the healthcare
12 provider with knowledge and confidence to address substance use in primary care patients.
13 Motivational Interviewing (MI) is effective in behavior change and can be utilized as the brief
14 intervention component of SBIRT Faculty and nurse practitioner students will receive didactic
15 content in MI and SBIRT and will be able to practice and validate knowledge learned using
16 standardized patients. Students and faculty competency of MI and SBIRT will be assessed to
17 assure fidelity of these two interventions. Trained faculty will integrate SBIRT and MI in the
18 curriculum to ensure sustainability. Health care providers in the community, region and
19 nationally will be offered continuing education training for SBIRT. Primary care providers in
20 the community may find it difficult to leave a busy practice to attend training on SBIRT. For
21 the primary care provider in the community, UKCON will provide on-line didactic training and
22 create a simulated avatar patient encounter to practice newly acquired knowledge. A KY SBIRT
23 website will be created to provide specific resources and updates for health care providers
24 throughout the state. Technical assistance will be offered and providers can enroll to attend
25 sessions on the KY SBIRT website to address implementation issues of SBIRT for practicing
26 providers in the community. The impact of this program offered as a web based continuing
27 education can be far reaching to practicing primary care providers. To date, over 115,000 health
28 care professionals worldwide have participated in web-based continuing education at the
29 University of Kentucky CECentral.
30 Key words: SBIRT, Web based, Training, Avatar, Health care, Primary Care Providers, Nurse
31 Practitioners
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/30/15 → 6/29/19 |
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administr: $233,228.00
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