An Interdisciplinary Approach to Study the Interaction between Nutrition, Environmental Insults and Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome--year 10 carry forward

  • Hennig, Bernhard (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Supplemental funds are requested to conduct a highly interdisciplinary study with a mouse model that mimics metabolic syndrome. Past studies by us and others have demonstrated that the LDL-R deficient mouse being fed a "Western" high-fat diet will develop symptoms of metabolic syndrome (1-3). Our laboratory also has reported that dietary fat (high corn oil feeding) interacts with PCBs to induce changes in lipid metabolism in mice deficient in the LDL receptor (4). The aim ofthis proposal is to study the hypothesis that high-fat or high-caloric diets will contribute to symptoms of metabolic syndrome and thus worsen or accelerate the cardiovascular risk associated with exposure to persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs. The metabolic syndrome is characterized by many cardiovascular risk factors, which include abdominal obesity, with a state of abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism and chronic inflammation. Endothelial dysfunction is common in the metabolic syndrome and is associated with increased risk for vascular diseases (5,6). Our long-term goal is to understand nutritional intervention and prevention therapies, which will prevent risk factors of the metabolic syndrome and thus heightened susceptibility to environmental insults and pathology of vascular diseases.
Effective start/end date4/7/973/31/08


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