Grants and Contracts Details


The KY Department of Medicaid Services (DMS) works closely with the KY Department ofr Public Health to support data needs including information related to costs of colon cancer in the state (through the 1502 Colon Cancer Grant) for the Medicaid population and screening through billing codes and payment. DMS utilizes the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy to provide in-depth data analysis for these requests. It is expected that extensive data mining for colorectal cancer screening data, costs and REturn on Investment (ROI) over the 5 year grant period will be through this method. With the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky and mulltiple managed care organizations this information will be extremely important to the program for planning and evaluation.
Effective start/end date7/1/166/30/17


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $30,000.00


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