Appalachia Downtown Developers Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


Attachment B - Subrecipient Scope of Work Through this ARC ARISE-funded Planning Project, more than twenty partners and subject matter experts across the region will collectively research, design, and plan the implementation of the Appalachian Downtown Developers Initiative (ADDI). The Initiative will help spur sustainable and locally-rooted economic development in Central Appalachian communities in Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia through providing emerging community-based developers with the skills, connections, and financial resources needed to bring catalytic downtown development projects to fruition. Subrecipient Roles State Group Role (Lead or Participant): Lead State Group: Kentucky Working Group Role (Lead or Participant): Participant Working Group: Working Group Role 2 (Lead or Participant): Working Group: General Project Timeline ? April - June: Kick-off meetings and project management set-up ? May - September: Working and State Group meetings (virtual); One in-person meeting ? June - October: Drafting of Implementation Plan ? November: Release of Final Implementation Plan Role Responsibilities Working Group Participant (general) ? Select at least one Working Group to participate in as an active and formal member. ? Participate in regular Working Group meetings. Meetings will primarily be virtual. ? Fulfill action items assigned by Working Group including, but not limited to, collecting/sharing data, creating/sharing stakeholder contact lists, reviewing/summarizing reports and research findings from the Working Group, and documenting and sharing best practices/lessons learned from your organization. ? With Leadership Council and Working Group Lead(s), provide feedback on implementation plan outline and drafts. ? Attend the single, project-wide, in-person meeting. Travel will be compensated. Invest Appalachia - Subaward Agreement Page 5 of 12 Version: April 12, 2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: F3980E61-EB77-4BCE-A15F-86DF1D0A24B0 Working Group deliverables are noted in the Planning Project Roles and Scopes of Work document. State Group Lead (general) State Group Leads will convene relevant actors, facilitate input through a collaborative process, and develop a state-level analysis of the landscape of downtown development capacity. Activities and responsibilities include: ? Participate in the Leadership Council ? With Leadership Council, select State Group members (compensated formal participants and non-compensated ad hoc participants) ? With Project Coordinator, schedule and facilitate State Group meetings. Meetings will primarily be virtual. Generally expectation of 1-2 meetings per month (4-6 overall). ? With State Group Members, conduct an assessment of the assets and opportunities in their respective states, including identifying all relevant state and local actors. ? With State Group Members, conduct a high-level policy scan related to the respective geography. ? With Project Coordinator, ensure key notes and action items identified during Working Group meetings are recorded (e.g. via human or AI notetaker). ? Fulfill action items assigned by State Group including, but not limited to, collecting/sharing data, creating/sharing stakeholder contact lists, reviewing/summarizing reports and research findings to share with the State Group, and documenting and sharing best practices/lessons learned from your organization. ? Synthesize State Group discussions, notes, and findings into a single comprehensive document to present to the Leadership Council and Project Management Team for incorporation into the implementation plan. The template for this document will be provided to the State Groups by the Project Coordinator. ? With Leadership Council and State Group Members, provide feedback on implementation plan outline and drafts. ? Attend the single, project-wide, in-person meeting. Travel will be compensated. State Group deliverables include: ? Survey community and economic development organizations/agencies that support local development to identify gaps, barriers, and needs specific to the state ? Coordinate with relevant Working Group(s) to survey local developers working in rural Appalachian areas of the state to identify gaps, barriers, and needs specific to the state that this project could be responsive to. ? Coordinate with relevant Working Group(s) to complete a state group analysis process resulting in document that provides guidance on needs, gaps, barriers, and opportunities in the state related to: ? Developer capacity ? Development technical assistance services ? Capital access for development projects Invest Appalachia - Subaward Agreement Page 6 of 12 Version: April 12, 2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: F3980E61-EB77-4BCE-A15F-86DF1D0A24B0 ? Capacity building services and support for developers and development projects ? Additional needs/opportunities ? Coordinate with relevant Working Group(s) to create a comprehensive list of mature/established development entities working in rural Appalachian areas of the state ? Coordinate with relevant Working Group(s) to create a comprehensive list of emerging or potential developers working in rural Appalachian areas of the state. Identify which established developers could serve as mentors, co-developers, and TA providers, and which emerging developers could benefit from increased capacity and dedicated support ? Create a comprehensive list of communities with downtown development potential that could benefit from increased developer activity, including communities that are undergoing current redevelopment and communities that have redevelopment potential. Identify redevelopment potential using criteria identified in the Downtown Development Playbook. Document any additional criteria used. ? Create an outline for a state plan for rural downtown redevelopment strategies that the group predicts will be successful for its state ? Compile supporting research, data, case studies, and any other material Invest Appalachia - Subaward Agreement Page 7 of 12 Version: April 12, 2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: F3980E61-EB77-4BCE-A15F-86DF1D0A24B0
Effective start/end date6/28/249/30/24


  • Invest Appalachia: $20,000.00


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