Appalachian Center for Cellular Transport in Obesity Related Disorders (ACCORD)

Grants and Contracts Details


University of Kentucky Scope of Work - Appalachian Center for Cellular transport in Obesity Related Disorders (ACCORD) Given the successful collaboration between Marshall University and the University of Kentucky on the CTSA and the opportunity for UK faculty to provide valuable input on the scientific and faculty development of MU's junior investigators, the two parties outline the below scope of work for a subaward in support of MU's COBRE program. The COBRE program, "Appalachian Center for Cellular transport in Obesity Related Disorders (ACCORD)," will develop two research cores, two pre-cores, and support five projects conducted by Marshall junior investigators. These projects will be thematically focused on cellular transport issues and their effect on obesity-related disorders. The University of Kentucky's experience with large NIH-funded research initiatives, coupled with the expertise of its faculty, will allow UK to contribute to ACCORD in critical ways.
Effective start/end date2/15/181/31/21


  • Marshall University Research Co: $75,135.00


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