Archaeological Education Outreach/Consulting

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky, KWilliam S. Webb Museum of Anthropology, will provide any/all of the following services: access to the database for Historic Preservation/Archaeological sites which are mandated by the Historic Preservation Act for reviewing Section 106 and historic preservation projects; updating the archaeological and historic structures site inventories; space and utilities for storage from excavation of archaeological sites overseen by the Kentucky Heritage Council; technical assistance in the review of projects to determine what impacts, if any, they will have on significant archaeological sites and historic structures and if they meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation; work with other state and federal agencies, nonprofits, and the public to interpret, preserve and protect archaeological sites in Kentucky; research into Kentucky's rich archaeological heritage; and dissemination of information on Kentucky archaeology to both professional and nonprofessional audiences. Ongoing projects that provide education opportunities to students both at the primary and secondary levels, and materials for teachers and students that can be used to meet KERA goals and learning outcomes will be updated, and new projects will be implemented and materials prepared based on funding and interaction with teachers and other educators.
Effective start/end date7/1/166/30/18


  • KY Heritage Council: $105,100.00


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