Archaeological Field School in the Red River Gorge

  • Pollack, David (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Red River Gorge comprises one of the largest National Register of Historic Places Historic Districts owned by the U.S. Forest Service nationally and contains numerous, nationally and regionally significant prehistoric and historic archeological sites (442 listed on the NR). However, less than 10% of the Red River Gorge has received an adequate archeological survey that complies with the specifications for conducting fieldwork issued by the Kentucky State Historic Preservation Office. One of the goals of the Forest Service, in compliance with Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Archeological Resources Protection Act is to gradually work toward completing an inventory of the entire 38,000 acre area. With limited funding and personnel, and given the complex terrain involved, the Forest Service is unable to do this work on its own. The Kentucky Archaeological Survey holds an archeological field school each summer. The purpose of this field school is to train its students in the proper field techniques for performing archeological investigations - both excavations and survey. The Kentucky Archaeological Survey needs and interesting place to train its students to give them the real-life experience they need to become archeologists. The Red River Gorge is well suited to this task.
Effective start/end date7/1/059/30/10


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