Archaeological Survey and Monitoring for Protection of Rafinesque Bat Hibernacula Mammoth Cave, Kentucky PMIS Number 102192

  • Trader, Patrick (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Program For Archaeological Research will: 1) review available archeological resource data; 2) develop and submit to the National Park Service a research design and associated budget which meets the identified professional standards for archeological research; 3) carry out the field survey and monitoring as called for in the research design; and 4) after completion of the field survey, prepare and submit six copies of the research report which details locations of any identified sites within the project area and recommendations for appropriate site protection strategies. Areas covered by this Scope of Services include Cathedral Cave, Wildcat Hollow Cave, Crow pit #1, and Crow pit #2. C. APPLICABLE GUIDELINES, POLICIES, STANDARDS AND CODES: Archeological survey will be performed in accordance with the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation" (48 FR 44716 and 36 CFR 68) and the "Specifications for Conducting Fieldwork and Preparing Cultural Resource Assessment Reports", originally issued March 1991 and revised June 2001 by the Kentucky Heritage Council. Kentucky State Site Forms and Archeological Sites Management Information System (ASMIS) Database entry forms will be completed for any previously unidentified and documented sites. All artifacts and associated records including originals of all illustrations are the property of the National Park Service and will be managed according to NPS Guidelines as outlined ln Director's Order 28 and the NPS Museum Handbook, Part II. The artifacts will be loaned up to 90 days to the University of Kentucky for purposes of analysis and report writing and will be returned upon completion of the final report. Mammoth Cave National Park will undertake the cataloging, conservation and final curation of all artifacts collected. ARTICLE 3 - DEFINITON OF DELIVERABLES As per Cooperative Agreement Number H553020026, Article VIII., Research Designs and Budgets will be provided to the NPS wi thin two weeks of receipt of Project Descriptions. A management summary detailing preliminary findings will be delivered to the NPS within five working days after completion of the fieldwork.The final archeological survey report will be provided to the NPS within 60 working days of the completion of the fieldwork. All de1iverab1es, including return of any loaned artifacts, will be provided to the NPS within 90 days of the completion of the fieldwork. ARTICLE 4 - REVIEW AND COORDINATION MEETINGS Introduction Meeting Scheduled for the morning of the first field work day. ARTICLE 5 - DATA AND MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED BY NPS Topographic maps indicating project locations and site sketches showing dimensions of thegates and fences will be provided by MACA.
Effective start/end date7/1/0411/30/04


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