ARRA: Calpain as a Therapuetic Target for TBI(PO1)

  • Geddes, James (PI)
  • Guttmann, Rodney (CoI)
  • Hall, Edward (CoI)
  • Saatman, Kathryn (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


This is an Administrative Supplement Application submitted in response to the recent announcement concerning "NINDS FY2009 Program for Administrative Supplements Using Recovery Act Funds", related to NIH NOT-OD- 09-05 6. The supplement is based upon our current Program Project Grant (PPG) entitled "Calpain as a Therapeutic Target for TBl" (SPOt N5058484-03) which is beginning its third year of 5 years of funding. The requested funding for three projects and two cores will enable the hiring of additional technical staff and the purchase of equipment. Consistent with the stated scope of the Administrative Supplement program, the purpose of this request is to speed up the conduct of each of the inter-related component projects and cores on the PPG. The research proposed for the supplemental application does not represent an expansion of the scope of the project beyond that approved by the review panel for the parent grant. The University of Kentucky College of Medicine has consistently served the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a principal force for economic development. Salary and benefits of more than 2,300 faculty, staff and learners are supported, whether in part or in full, by research dollars generated by College of Medicine faculty. From these research efforts, more than $56 million is paid to these individuals in their quest for new knowledge. If funded, this administrative supplement will create and/or retain six jobs
Effective start/end date5/1/078/31/11


  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke: $82,849.00


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