ARRA: KASPER Part II: Real Time Data Collection Study

Grants and Contracts Details


The purpose of this contract is to engage the services of researchers from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy (UK Project Team) to conduct a study of the effort and costs associated with implementing real time data collection of controlled substance prescribing data for the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER) system. The contract will include development of a roadmap to guide the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet) to implement real time KASPER data collection. The study will include determining the feasibility and willingness of providers to participate; determining what technology is needed to accomplish real-time KASPER data collection from all providers; and lastly, estimating the costs of implementing such technology across the board in Kentucky. The proposed activities under this study are intended to accomplish these goals, as well as educate providers on the advantages that real-time data collection would bring to their clinical decision making. The KASPER system is designed to reduce and prevent the misuse, abuse and diversion of controlled substance prescription drugs, and is a valuable tool for health care professionals, law enforcement officers, licensure boards, and other authorized users. Kentucky Administrative Regulation 902 55:110 requires dispensers to report controlled substances dispensed within 7 days. However, many legislators, health care providers and law enforcement officers have indicated that KASPER could be more efficient if the data were collected in real time. This study will help identif5' the amount of effort and the estimated costs to implement real time KASPER data collection so that public officials and legislators can make an informed decision regarding the costs and benefits of this type of project.
Effective start/end date7/1/103/31/11


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $78,100.00


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