Grants and Contracts Details
This application is in response to the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements Program
(NOT-OD-09-060): NIDCD ARRA Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences. The
parent grant (R03 DC007983) explores the mechanisms of laryngeal muscle dysfunction in aging. In the elderly,
functional denervation of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx compromises voice quality and impairs the ability to
communicate and remain socially engaged. Laryngeal dysfunction may also cause dysphagia and increased risk of
aspiration. Studies supported by the parent grant have demonstrated that the aging posterior cricoarytenoid
(PCA) and thyroarytenoid (TA) become weaker and slower. Moreover neuromuscular junctions (NMJ5) become
smaller and less abundant in the aging rat laryngeal muscles. There is also functional evidence of denervation as
aging PCA and TA become significantly more sensitive to neuromuscular transmission block This project will be
now extended to test the hypothesis that age related laryngeal muscle dysfunction is due to a decrease in
cytoskeltal proteins necessary for muscle maintanence. Specific Aim I will examine the effect of age on the
dystrophin -glycoprotein complex in rat PCA and TA muscles. This project will generate novel data on how aging
induces the loss of cytoskeletal proteins in the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, and will provide insights into the
mechanisms of neuromuscular and contractile dysfunction in these small muscles. The project also serves as an
ideal short-term research experience for a science educator. The identified individual will develop new skills and
ideas to take back to the classroom, enhancing science education and encouraging students to pursue research
careers in health-related fields.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 6/1/09 → 10/31/09 |
- National Institute on Deafness & Other Communications: $33,413.00
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