ARRA: Neurogenic Amplification of Pancreatitis Pain

  • High, Karin (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


PROJECT SUMMARY (See instructions): Parent Grant Specific Aim 2: To reduce activation in visceronociceptive pathways that maintain central sensitization induced by a persistent experimental pancreatitis. New Experiment (Extension of the original) We propose in vitro studies to examine protective and anti-inflammatory effects of met-enkephalin. Rats will be fed a high fat and alcohol diet that produces pancreatitis and activates the pancreatic stellate cells. We will harvest and then examine the stellate cells in primary cultures, as well as assess treatments in clonal PANC-1 cells. The activators will include alcohol and arachidonic acid. Each of the in vitro studies proposed will compare averaged responses of treated cells in a minimum of four experiments done in triplicate. Three doses of the alcohol/inflammation activators will be tested. Group I Untreated cells Group II Alcohol treated cells (50, 150, 500mM) Group Ill Alcohol treated cells + met-enkephalin Group IV Arachidonic acid treated cells (10, 30, lOO1tM) Group V Arachidonic acid treated cells + met-enkephalin N=3 in triplicate for each. Each group will be compared to untreated cells using Student t-tests (p
Effective start/end date4/1/0010/31/10


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