Assessing and Improving Cultural and Linguistic Competency in Local Health Departments

Grants and Contracts Details


Kentucky Public Health Research Network PBRN Administrative Supplement Award Title of Project: Assessing and Improving Cultural and Linguistic Competency in Local Health Departments Aim: The ultimate aim of this project is to promote community health through ensuring a culturally and linguistically competent public health system. Background: This is an extension of an earlier project conducted by the Kentucky Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity that measured the cultural and linguistic competence of all local health departments (LHDs) in the state of Kentucky by conducting an organizational assessment of each department using an instrument (Self- Assessment Tool for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Local Public Health Agencies) designed to measure compliance with the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services{CLAS} (Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2007). This study proposes the adaptation of a set of modules used to increase cultural competency in health care settings to public health, and the impact of these modules on cultural competency in the departments studied. Methods: Through a randomized, delayed intervention design, Kentucky local health departments will receive training on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services and will repeat the Office of Minority Health survey instrument. Pre and post survey data will be analyzed to determine the degree of change, if any, after the training. Implications: Data from this proposed research will be used to improve public health practice in Kentucky. It will be used to facilitate the development of a plan to improve competency in local health departments, and used to facilitate the development of broader policy recommendations to be implemented at the state and local levels to improve cultural and linguistic competency.
Effective start/end date7/1/1212/31/13


  • KY Public Health Association: $72,986.00


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