Barrier Free Re-Entry and Recovery Initiative (BFREE) Evaluation

Grants and Contracts Details


Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Barrier Free Re-entry and Recovery Engagement (LFUCG BFREE) Evaluation The University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research will be responsible for conducting the evaluation for the SAMHSA-funded project with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG). The evaluation approach for this grant is conceptualized as a mixed methods process evaluation and outcome study. Data will be collected on the number of referrals and linkages to substance use disorder made with grant resources as well the number of treatment barriers that are addressed. The process evaluation will focus on assessing the development and implementation of the proposed BFREE activities using semi-structured open- ended interviews. Reports will be prepared for LFUCG for regular and on-going Continuous Quality Improvement meetings to measure and address issues related to implementation and on- going challenges. In addition, an annual report including both process and outcome evaluation data will be prepared.
Effective start/end date9/30/229/29/24


  • Lexington Fayette Urban County Government: $74,273.00


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