Behavioral Health Initiative and Program Evaluation (Admin-Federal)

Grants and Contracts Details


Provide the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services with technical assistance and analysis on the complex policy and operational issues for the expansion of services to Medicaid recipients with behavioral health needs. Technical expertise on State and Federal regulations and legislation related to behavioral health and substance abuse policy will be used to support decision-making by community Medicaid providers and CHFS leadership. The project will also design and conduct analysis of ongoing compliance related to the State Plan Amendments and regulatory requirements. The project will include the design and implementation of a study focused on the efficacy of the utilization of long acting anti-psychotic medications and their impact on the negative symptoms of behavioral health. The hypothesis for this project aim explores the impact of long acting anti-psychotic medications, and will test if long acting anti-psychotic medications improve health outcomes in psychosis with negative symptoms. UKIPOP shall conduct research in the following areas: 1) Analyze complex regulatory and legislative requirements related to behavioral health and substance abuse, 2) Design report briefs on the analysis of the regulatory and legislative requirements related to behavioral health and substance abuse so that DMS can remain compliant with all applicable laws, rules and regulations or its business management, 3) Employ standard research methodology to design, develop work plan and data collection methods and tools, perform data verification and validation, and disseminate research results from the research study specific to the efficacy of the initial utilization of long acting anti-psychotic medications and their impact on the negative symptoms of mental illness.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/20


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $565,411.00


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