Grants and Contracts Details


The University will Provide consultation, traning and support for the following projects, as detailed in this agreement. ADULT PKU CLINIC To locate patients lost to PKU follow-up and provide information and referral information and assistance to individuals as needed. BELONGING IN THE COMMUNITY To provide coordination and administrative oversight of the Supported Living Program, and will assist the Division of Mental Retardation in establishing baseline measures and ongoing evaluation of the service system (Core Indicators Project). REAL CHOICES The UK currentlyfundedproject,entitled"Core IndicatorsProject(CIP)will be enhancedthroughthis projectto recruit and train self-advocates and family members to be members of two-person interview teams to solicit feedback on consumer satisfaction with the quality of services and supports for individuals with disabilities. SUPPORTS FOR COMMUNITY LIVING To provide the staff complement to the Division of Mental Retardation to assist in the administration of at he Medicaid Waiver program for individuals with mental retardation or developmental disabilities.
Effective start/end date7/1/036/30/04


  • KY Health Services Cabinet: $186,222.00


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