Bio-Impedance CardioGraphy in Advanced Heart Failure (BIG), A Substudy of the Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pumonary Artery Catherization Effectiveness (ESCAPE)

  • Gurley, John (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The bioimpedance cardiography (BIG) substudy will consist of two objectives. Evaluate how accurately hemodynamic parameters obtained trom bioimpedance cardiography predict clinical outcomes. ~. Primary and Secondary HyPotheses The primary hypothesis is that hemodynamic profiles based on parameters obtained trom the BioZ device, will predict the number of days patients with advanced heart failure are either dead or hospitalized over a 6-month period. The secondary hypothesis is that higher values for velocity index (VI), acceleration index (ACI), and systolic time ratio (STR) will predict fewer days patients are either dead or hospitalized over a 6-month period. Another secondary hypothesis is that lower values for thoracic fluid content (TIC) will predict fewer days patients are either dead or hospit&lized over a 6-month period. 0biective 0 . . Evaluate the relations between hemodynamic data derived trom bioimpedance cardiography with hemodynamic dat&obtained trom invasive hemodynamic monitoring . Primary Hypothesis The primary hypothesis is that hemodynamic parameters obtained trom bioimpedance cardiography will correlate with standard measurements obtain~d trom invasive hemodynamic onitoring, such as cardiac output, cardiac index, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.
Effective start/end date2/1/016/30/05


  • Duke University Medical Center: $5,600.00


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