Bluegrass IN the Blugrass

  • Pen, Ronald (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The John Jacob Ni les Center for American Music, a collaborative research center ot the university or i~entucicy s ~oitege ui ru it Arts and the University Libraries, requests $2,500.00 in funding from a LexArts Project Grant to support a concert series titled Bluegrass IN the Bluegrass." This town and gown" series will consist of six bluegrass music concerts, each of which will be presented both at the auditorium of the Downtown Branch of the Public Library and at the Niles Gallery on the UK campus. Although Niles Gallery concerts are always free and open to the public," they were generally filled to capacity by an audience drawn mainly from the university community. The Niles Center seeks to extend the music series to a more diverse Lexington community through presentation at the conveniently accessible Lexington Public Library. The goal of the ffluegrass IN the Bluegrass series is to engage the Lexington Community in an exploration of the full range of Bluegrass musical styles from its roots in traditional Appalachian culture to its eclectic contemporary sounds. Each concert will feature a musical performance representing a distinctive topic that will be placed in context through interpretive remarks contributed by a specialist moderator. Since Bluegrass takes its name and musical identity from our region, it is particularly fitting that we celebrate this musical style in the very heart of the Bluegrass; hence the title for this series: "Bluegrass IN the Bluegrass.
Effective start/end date7/1/086/30/09


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