Bluegrass Savanna Woodland Restoration

  • Crowley, P (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


In acquiring the UK Parcel of Silver Lake Farm through the requested grant, the University of Kentucky intends to join with its partners, the Kentucky Chapter ofthe Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission (KSNPC), as participants in the Silverlake Management Consortium (SMC). This consortium will (1) oversee restoration of the bluegrass savanna-woodland and associated dynamic or topographic variants in the presettlement central Bluegrass landscape at this site, (2) set guidelines for research in support ofthis restoration process, and (3) determine policies for opening the site for educational purposes to students and the general public. [Note: "Griffith Woods" refers to all remnants of ancient woodland on the UK tract, including southern, eastern, and northern portions, as protected within deeds of the Griffith family.
Effective start/end date5/1/039/30/06


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